Several Occasions.
A loud Applause around the Echoing Coast
Of all the pleas'd Elysium flies.—
But, Friend, what Place had you, replies some Ghost,
When Merit was the way to rise?
A loud Applause around the Echoing Coast
Of all the pleas'd Elysium flies.—
But, Friend, what Place had you, replies some Ghost,
When Merit was the way to rise?
What Deanery, or Prebend, thine, declare?
Good Heav'ns! unable to reply,
How like a stupid Idiot I should stare?
An Answer, Good my Lord, supply.
What Deanery, or Prebend, thine, declare?
Good Heav'ns! unable to reply,
How like a stupid Idiot I should stare?
An Answer, Good my Lord, supply.