Several Occasions.
And still her Eye some little Lustre bears
If Swains speak Truth!—tho' dim'd for thee with Tears!
But fade each Grace! since he no longer sees
Those Charms, for whom alone I wish to please!
If Swains speak Truth!—tho' dim'd for thee with Tears!
But fade each Grace! since he no longer sees
Those Charms, for whom alone I wish to please!
But whence these sudden, sad presaging Fears,
These rising Sighs, and whence these flowing Tears?
Ah! lest the Trumpet's terrible Alarms,
Have drawn the Lover from his Cælia's Charms,
To try the doubtful Field, and shine in azure Arms!
Ah! canst thou bear the Labours of the War,
Bend the tough Bow, or dart the pointed Spear?
Desist fond Youth! let others Glory gain,
Seek empty Honour o'er the surgy Main,
Or sheath'd in horrid Arms rush dreadful to the Plain!
These rising Sighs, and whence these flowing Tears?
Ah! lest the Trumpet's terrible Alarms,
Have drawn the Lover from his Cælia's Charms,
To try the doubtful Field, and shine in azure Arms!
Ah! canst thou bear the Labours of the War,
Bend the tough Bow, or dart the pointed Spear?
Desist fond Youth! let others Glory gain,
Seek empty Honour o'er the surgy Main,
Or sheath'd in horrid Arms rush dreadful to the Plain!