Several Occasions.
Thy Name, my Delia, shall improve my Song,
The pleasing Labour of my ravish'd Tongue:
Her Name to Heav'n propitious Zephyrs bear,
And breathe it to her kindred Angels there!
Thy Name, my Delia, shall improve my Song,
The pleasing Labour of my ravish'd Tongue:
Her Name to Heav'n propitious Zephyrs bear,
And breathe it to her kindred Angels there!
But see! the Night displays her starry Train,
Soft Silver Dews impearl the glitt'ring Plain;
An awful Horrour fills the gloomy Woods,
And bluish Mists rife from the smoaking Floods;
Haste, Daphnis, haste to fold thy woolly Care,
The deep'ning Shades imbrown th' unwholesome Air.
But see! the Night displays her starry Train,
Soft Silver Dews impearl the glitt'ring Plain;
An awful Horrour fills the gloomy Woods,
And bluish Mists rife from the smoaking Floods;
Haste, Daphnis, haste to fold thy woolly Care,
The deep'ning Shades imbrown th' unwholesome Air.