Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/77

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Several Occasions.
Blindly he courts, misguided by the Will,
A specious Good, and meets a real Ill;
So when Ulysses plough'd the surgy Main;
When now in view appear'd his native Reign,
His wayward Mates th' [1]Æolian Bag unbind,
Expecting Treasures, but out rush'd a Wind;
The sudden Hurricane in Thunder roars,
Buffets the Bark, and whirls it from the Shores.

O Heav'n! by what vain Passions Man is sway'd,
Proud of his Reason, by his Will betray'd?
Blindly he wanders in pursuit of Vice,
And hates Confinement, tho' in Paradise;
Doom'd, when enlarg'd, instead of Eden's Bow'rs,
To rove in Wilds, and gather Thorns for Flow'rs;
Between th' Extremes, direct he sees the Way,
Yet wilful swerves, perversely fond to stray!

  1. See 10 Odyssey, V. 40.
