Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/95

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Several Occasions.
In vain the Wall's broad Base deep-rooted lies,
In vain an hundred Turrets threat the Skies!
Lo! while at ease the Bands immur'd repose,
Nor careless dream of subterranean Foes,
Like the Cadmæan Host, embattled Swarms
Start from the Earth, and clash their sounding Arms,
And pouring War and Slaughter from beneath,
Wrap Tow'rs, Walls, Men, in Fire, in Blood, in Death.

So some fam'd Torrent dives within the Caves
Of op'ning Earth, ingulph'd with all his Waves;
High o'er the latent Stream the Shepherd feeds
His wand'ring Flock, and tunes the sprightly Reed
Till from some rifted Chasm the Billows rise,
And foaming burst tumultuous to the Skies;
Then roaring dreadful o'er the delug'd Plain,
Sweep Herds, and Hinds in thunder to the Main.
