Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/97

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Several Occasions.
With Age unknown to Pain, or Sorrow blest,
To the dark Grave retiring as to Rest;
While gently with one Sigh this mortal Frame
Dissolving turns to Ashes whence it came,
While my freed Soul departs without a Groan,
And joyful, wings her flight to Worlds unknown.

Ye gloomy Grots! ye awful solemn Cells,
Where holy thoughtful Contemplation dwells,
Guard me from splendid Cares and tiresome State,
That pompous Misery of being Great!
Happy! if by the wise and learn'd belov'd;
But happiest above all if self-approv'd!
Content with Ease, ambitious to despise
Illustrious Vanity, and glorious Vice!
Come thou chaste Maid, here ever let me stray,
While the calm Hours steal unperceiv'd away;
