To the University of CAMBRIDGE, in NEW-ENGLAND.
WHILE an intrinſic ardor prompts to write,
The muſes promiſe to aſſiſt my pen;
'Twas not long ſince I left my native ſhore
The land of errors, and Egyptian gloom:
Father of mercy, 'twas thy gracious hand5
Brought me in ſafety from thoſe dark abodes.
Students, to you 'tis giv'n to ſcan the heights
Above, to traverſe the ethereal ſpace,
And mark the ſyſtems of revolving worlds.
Still more, ye ſons of ſcience ye receive10
The bliſſful news by meſſengers from heav'n,
How Jeſus' blood for your redemption flows.
See him with hands out-ſtretcht upon the croſs;
Immenſe compaſſion in his boſom glows;
He hears revilers, nor reſents their ſcorn:15
What matchleſs mercy in the Son of God!
When the whole human race by ſin had fallen,