Page:Poems that every child should know (ed. Burt, 1904).djvu/36

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Index of Authors

Greene, Albert Gorton
Old Grimes, 47

Halleck, Fitz-Greene
Marco Bozarris, 128
Hemans, Felicia
Casabianca, 22
The Homes of England, 192
The Landing of the Pilgrims, 229
The Voice of Spring, 259
Hood, Thomas
I Remember, I Remember, 159
Hogg, James
A Boy's Song, 50
The Skylark, 302
Holland, J. G
Heaven is Not Reached at a Single Bound, 117
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Old Ironsides, 53
The Chambered Nautilus, 122
Howitt, Mary
Buttercups and Daisies, 51
Hunt Leigh
Abou Ben Adhem, 89
The Glove and the Lions, 184
Cupid Drowned, 234

Ingelow, Jean
The Brides of Enderby, 277

Jonson, Ben
The Noble Nature, 60

Keats, John
Fairy Song, 50
On First Looking Into Chapman's Homer, 326
Key, Francis Scott
The Star-Spangled Banner, 31
Kingsley, Charles
A Farewell, 21
The Sands of Dee. 271
 Kipling, Rudyard
True Royalty, 7
Playing Robinson Crusoe, 8
The Overland Mail, 125
The Ballad of the Clampner-down, 154
L'Envoi, 285
Recessional, 321
The English Flag, 337
Knox, William
Mortality, 323

Lanier, Sidney
The Tournament, 110
Barnacles, 219
Lear, Edward
The Owl and the Pussy-Cat, 15
Liddell, Catherine C.
Jesus the Carpenter, 114
Longfellow, Henry W.
The Arrow and the Song, 3
The Village Blacksmith, 25
Hiawatha's Childhood, 79
The Wreck of the Hesperus, 138
A Psalm of Life, 218
The Ship of State, 227
The Skeleton in Armour, 240
Lowell, James Russell
The Finding of the Lyre, 148
The Shepherd of King Admetus, 171
June, 217
Lyly, John
Cupid and My Campasbe, 235
Lyte, Henry Francis
Abide With Me, 223

Macaulay, Thomas B.
Ivy, 179
Horatius at the Bridge, 193
Macdonald, George
Little White Lily, 10
The Wind and the Moon, 111
Mackay, Charles
Song of Life, 48
Markham, Edwin
The Man With the Hoe, 34
McClellan, Isaac
The Death of Napoleon, 131
Miller, Joaquin
Columbus, 169
Miller, Katherine
Stevenson's Birthday, 164
Miller, William
Willie Winkie, 13
Milton, John
On His Blindness, 304
Montgomery, James
Arnold von Winkleried, 296
Moore, Clement Clarke
A Visit from St. Nicholas, 29
Moore, Thomas
The Last Rose of Summer, 234
Cupid Stung, 234
The Light of Other Days, 266
The Harp That Once Through Tara's Hall, 287
Morris, George Pope
Woodman, Spare That Tree 222
Newman, John Henry
Lead, Kindly Light, 224

Osborne, Selleck
A Modest Wit, 165
Osgood, Kate Putnam
Driving Home the Cows, 160

Payne, John Howard
Home, Sweet Home, 220
Pierpont, John
Warren's Address, 63
Poe, Edgar Allan
The Raven, 289