Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/110

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Poems upon several Occasions.

Those Arms which for nine Centuries had brav'd[1]
The Wrath of Time, on antick Stone engrav'd,
Now torn by Mortars, stand yet undefac'd
On nobler Trophies by thy Valour rais'd:
Safe on thy[2] Eagles Wings they soar, above
The Rage of War, or Thunder to remove,
Born by the Bird of Cæsar, and of Jove.

To my Friend Dr. Garth, in his Sickness.

MAchaon sick, in ev'ry Face we find
His Danger is the Danger of Mankind,
Whose Art protecting, Nature cou'd expire
But by a Deluge, or the general Fire.
More Lives he saves than perish in our Wars,
And faster than a Plague destroys, repairs:
The bold Carowser, and advent'ring Dame,
Nor fear the Fever, nor refuse the Flame,

  1. The Arms of his Family, at that time still remaining on one of the Gates of the Town.
  2. Created a Count of the Roman Empire, with Privilage to quarter his Arms on the Imperial Spread Eagle, in acknowledgment of his Bravery at the Relief of Vienna, and several other Occasions in the War of Hungary, where his Lordship serv'd a Volunteer.
