Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/180

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The British Enchanters.

Bear witness to the Vengeance we prepare,
Rejoice, and rest for ever void of Care.

Arcab. Pluto arise, Infernal King release
Thy tortur'd Slaves, and let the damn'd have Peace,
But double all their Pains on Amadis,

Arcal. Mourn all ye Heav'ns, above yon azure Plain
Let Grief abound, and Lamentation reign,
The Thunderer with Tears bedew the Sky,
For Amadis, his Champion's doom to die.

Arcab. Death be my Care: For to compleat his woe,
The Slave shall perish by a Woman's Blow;
Thus each by turns shall his dire Vow fulfill;
'Twas thine to conquer, and 'tis mine to kill.

Arcal. So look'd Medéa, when he Rival Bride,
Upon her nuptial Day, consuming dy'd:
O never more let Love disguise a Face,
By Rage adorn'd with such triumphant Grace.

Arcab. In sweet Revenge inferior Joys are lost,
And Love lyes shipwrack'd on the stormy Coast;
Rage rules all other Passions in my Breast,
And swelling like a Torrent, drowns the rest.
Should this curst Wretch, whom most my Soul abhors,
Prove the dear Man whom most my Soul adores,
Love shou'd in vain defend him with his Dart,
Thro' all his Charms I'd stab him to the Heart.
