Page:Poet Lore, volume 1, 1889.djvu/11

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Compiled by JOHN H. WOODS.

Abbreviations: (Lib.) Library; (N. & N.) Notes and News; (Soc.)
Societies; (Sta.) Stage; (Stu.) Study.

Abbott, F. M., Shakespeare's Birthday in Concord (Soc.) 274

"Abt Vogler" 22

"All's Well That Ends Well" (N. & N.) 495, 5S7

American Culture, English Opinion of (N. & N.) 541

"American Notes and Queries" (Lib.) 147

Americans, French writers on (N. & N.) 396

Anderson, M., in "Winter's Tale" (Sta.) 92

"Anglo-Saxon Poems," Garnett, Anna H. Brown (Lib.) 577

"Arden of Feversham" (N. & N.) 54

Armin, R., Annals of, F. G. Fleay 507

Art Works, Duty on (N & N.) 298

"As You Like It" (N. & N.) 393

——— Quoted 551

——— (Soc.) 223

——— (Sta.) 141, 145, 194, 379

Ashhurst, R. L., Prolegomena to "Henry IV." 367

Ashmead, M. A., Hathaway Club (Soc.) 326

Bacon-Shakespeare Circular, Pott (N. & N.) 155

——— Controversy, Wyman (N. & N.) 151


383 98

Bailey, P. J. (A^. dr" A^.) 443

Ballade of Ladies of Long Syne, Vil- lon, Stephen Temple 54S

" Bankside Shakespeare" {Lib.) . . 439 Barton Catalogue (N. &> N.) . . . . 247 Beer, T. H. de, Shakespeare in Dutch 259 Berdoe, E., Browning's Science . . . 353

Literature, W. IL. IVyman . . — "Question Answered," Slopes,

C. P. {Lib.) 289,

" Resemblance," Steele {Lib.)

" Bhagavad Gita" and Emerson's " Brahma," IV T. Harris . . .

and Goethe's " World Spirit"

IV. T. Harris

" Bifurcation"

"Bishop Blougram" {N. &^ A^.). . .

" Blot on 'Scutcheon" {Lib.) ....

Bookish Bits, Frank I'olio, 246, 29S,

392, 445.

Booth, E., Motto (yV. &= N.) . . . .

" Boydell Shakespeare" {N. &^ N.) .

Bright, J. {N. &- N.)

Brinton, D. G., Facettes of Love from Browning

" World-Language," H. A. C.


Brooks, S. IV., Predecessors of Spen- ser

Brown, Anna R., " Anglo-Saxon Poems" {Lib.)

Browning, E. B., " Works" (A^. &^ N.)

Brownins;, R., Age {N. dr' N^ . . .

Bibliography, C. P. {Lib.) . .

vs. Browning, H. S. Morris .

Carlyle Letters {N. Ss' N.) .

Chief Poet of the Age, W. G.

Kingsland, //. ^. C". (Z?(5.) . .

English and American Appre- ciation of (A^. (Sr' A'.)

Errorof (A^. 6- A^.)

Fitzgerald Affair (A^. &' N.)

400, 447, " Handbook," Orr, C. P.


Idea of Love {N. &- N.) . .

" Introduction to," Alexander,

H. A. C. {Lib.) 240,

Corson, C. P. {Lib.) .

Symons, C. P. {Lib.) .

Jews (A^. 6^ A^.)

Macready and (A^. dr» JV.),

104; {.St//.)






587 155 203 299


580 214

577 589 441

533 408



494 300


535 •53