Matouš (With raised voice).— —do what he desires. He told me that we are to shout “Vivát” for him, also, and so we shall hurrah for him!
Neighbors.—Well, then, we shall.
Králíček.—We shan’t!
Matouš.—I say, we shall. Výrava, also, will tell you to do so, when he arrives. I wish he were here now! But he always lets himself be waited for just like the nobility!
Králíček.—There he comes!
Dvořák (To Kyral).—Who is this Výrava?
Kyral.—He is the foremost farmer in the village and practically on the entire domain. He has an estate in Meziřící. It used to be in the court of a landed nobleman. But the noble line died out. The government graciously left the estate to the last noble woman of the name. Výrava’s grandfather married her and the present Výrava is of the gentry and a great upholder of the nobility.
Dvořák.—How is that?
Kyral.—He is wealthy and is besides a very sensible and honest man. He has given good advice to many and now every one holds him in great esteem. People come to him away from the mountains for advice. The nobles, therefore, cultivate him. That flatters him and so he does what the ruling class desires. A noble churl he is! He christened his younger son—Jeroným after the Earl. Just think! Whoever heard of a villager being named Jeroným! He sent him to Hradec to school and now to the forestry bureau of the castle. He wants to make a gentleman of him. Lord strike it all some day with your thunder! Every nobleman’s neatherd counts for more nowadays than a feudal farmer!
Králíček.—Výrava is coming.
Dvořák. (Pointing towards the front).—Is that Výrava?
Kyral.—It is. Observe him. He isn’t coming alone. After him must come his older son and all his servants. A complete noble retinue. He strides as if he were four men instead of one—and yet is no better than we—a simple peasant.
Scene IX
The preceding. Výrava with his servants, Václav.