Charvát, a bugler and soldiers. Slavík and Hruška. The bugle ceases. Řehák, later Karmín.
Charvát (Behind the scenes).—Dismount, and one of you go with the horses to the court-yard. (To the people.) Ho, friends, is the Earl in the castle or hereabouts?
Řehák.—In the park at the harvest festival.
Charvát. (Enters with bugler and the soldier Slavík. A small boy rushes towards the forest.)—At the harvest festival? We came in good time. We’ll enjoy something. And where is director Karmín?
Voices.—He’s there, too. (Other people come from the forest, among them Karmín.)
Charvát.—All the better.
Other Voices.—Here he comes.
Karmín (To the officer).—Rare visitors. I am director of the domain, Karmín. Shall I announce you to the gracious Earl?
Charvát. (Introducing himself).—Captain Charvát, messenger of Royal Decrees of the district government of Hradec. I am bringing letters patent which will probably not please you much.
Karmín (Frightened).—What is it?
Charvát.—His Majesty, our Emperor, Joseph II, abolishes subjection to overlords and extensively cuts down all feudal service.
Karmín.—For God’s sake!
Charvát.—Feudalism is not wholly abolished as yet, but he modifies and limits to the very smallest degree the services to be rendered by the peasants. Those who formerly labored for the overlord three days in the week, are to work hereafter only one day. And, in addition, whoever wishes, can ransom himself of even that one day’s service by payment of a petty two groats.
Karmín (Terrified).—Lord, Lord, so it is really finally coming to this!
Charvát.—I see that I haven’t pleased you.
Karmín.—What will it lead to! The nobility will be ruined and the rabble will rule.
Charvát.—I don’t know anything about it. It’s none of my affair. Just so that the taxes are paid regularly, particularly the military taxes. But after this bitter pill I have for the gentleborn nobility, a sweeter one—and after that—for you yourself, Mr. Director, one of the sweetest.