gentleman, a would-be director! Ho! for shame, neighbor! (To the rest.) We will go to the castle!
A General Cry.—To the castle! To the castle!
(All rush past the balcony into the castle.)
Výrava.—Have I suddenly become a scarecrow for the mockery of vermin? Am I a toothless wolf or a blind owl, that anyone dares talk to me like that? I am Výrava and God is my witness that I won’t brook such humiliation!
(The curtain falls.)
Scene I
Výrava, Kyral and Dvořák
The Same Scenery
Kyral (Runs out of castle).—Výrava! Výrava!
Výrava (Who is just leaving stage).—How dare you call me?
Kyral.—I do dare! I do dare! Not I, Kyral—we all call you. The Earl does not want to admit any of us but you. Karmín is with him and is instigating him against us.
Výrava.—And what’s that to me?
Kyral.—God is calling us to freedom—and you remain cold?
Výrava.—Ah, good neighbor. A while ago you insulted me—and in almost the same instant you return to ask me to help those who laughed in scorn at me?
Dvořák (Runs out quickly).—Výrava! Výrava! How much longer will you delay? If your own family and your people are dear to you, hasten to speak in their name before the nobility. The people are aroused and threaten to storm the castle. The musketeers have thrust them out of the court yard and have closed the gates before them. Hurry, Výrava and give ear to the voice of God. Our Saviour has risen and is casting off the yoke from his people. Be His executive hand!
Výrava.—Though you are all seized with insanity, I will not rave. I stand on the side of the nobility.
Dvořák.—And so shall I lash and shoot those people from