Page:Poet Lore, volume 28, 1917.djvu/527

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(Rokos, shaking his head.)

Veverka (Looking out of the window toward the village).—And do you know that something is happening? The miners are running out from every direction, . . . and the women! And everyone is passing before the house of the Starosta! Something has surely happened! (He is silent for a minute, then suddenly breaking out.) He will be after me first! I answered that Merfajt back! But, (pausing,) let us promise one another, brothers, that come what may, we won’t give in! Whether it be in regard to that school or the wages! I have five children in the school, but if the world should come to an end, I won’t take a single one out! Let us promise, brothers, that we will stand united!

Skarban.—Hold your peace! Certainly, when we say—

Veverka.—Let us promise one another! (Extending his hand.) You will find me a rock of strength!

Tonicka (At the window).—Someone has driven in, and Merfajt is welcoming him!

Veverka.—By the wounds of the blessed Savior! Didn’t I know it! I must find out at once who he is! (Snatches up his cap and bolts out of the door.)

Scene III

Same without Veverka.

Kralenec.—Do you think, Rokos, that they will attempt to persecute us?


Skarban.—By doing what has been done elsewhere, . . . refusing to give work to every miner who insists on sending his children to our school.

Tonicka.—We would see about that! And what do you think, Rokos?

Rokos.—People will not suffer their heads to be broken for nothing.

Kralenec.—Surely! We know that perfectly well!

Skarban.—However it may be, . . . I must go out there too. (Looking out of the window.) The crowd keeps on steadily growing! God be with you!

Tonicka.—The Lord keep you! Come back again soon!

Kralenec.—Please send our children home.