and become a warrior for my independence, for your sake, for our children, and for all our enslaved people!
Tonicka.—But you will be killed!
Kralenec.—But if I fall, I shall fall in glory!
(Tonicka frantically holding him back.)
Voice of the Commanding Officer without.—Attention! (Trumpeting.) We will fire!
Shouting (Without).—You will not! You dare not! Forward! Forward!
Kralenec (In great agitation).—Our men are going forward to the director’s home! Let me go, I must!
Voice of Commanding Officer without.—Attention! Fire! (Sound of firing. Screams of People.)
Tonicka.—They are firing! You shall not go!
Kralenec.—My life is worth no more than that of the other victims! May the Lord protect you and our beloved children! Let me go! (Tears himself loose without looking at her further. Shouting outside.) Forward, brothers! Forward!
People (Breaking into a tremendous cry).—Advance! Forward! To the Director’s house!
Scene IX
Tonicka, later Mrs. Kralenec, with Bozenka and Ruzenka, then Mrs. Skarban
Tonicka.—Blessed Jesus! (Falls exhausted on her knees, dragging herself to the door behind Kralenec.) Vojtech, Vojtech! They will kill you! (Tries to rise, and cannot. A deafening volley without.)
Cries (Without).—That was a report of blank cartridges! Forward! Forward!
Tonicka.—I cannot rise! (Wringing her hands.) Merciful Savior! (Desperately clutching at the Bible which, in her frenzy, she has carried about with her.) Save, oh save them! Send him back to me, alive and sound, oh protect him! In the name of your suffering, of your wounds, I cry unto you, oh protect him! For the sake of my children, keep him! Take my life instead, but keep him! (Cries and screams.)
Voice of Commanding Officer without.—Attention! Load!
Tonicka.—Mary, mother of the Crucified! With your power