Scheidler.—Merfajt. The entire prevailing order of things was changed according to his directions. This crisis is the outcome of it. Had I known the circumstances as well as I know them now, I would have used what power I possessed to prohibit his measures.
Zakovec.—To right a wrong is difficult after the mischief has been done. Who can give life back unto the dead, and make the wounded whole? And who will provide a livelihood for the hundred of others who have a crippled existence before them?
Scheidler.—Our company will do whatever it considers advisable for the benefit of the people,—and I myself will resign my position, in which I would be forever compelled to endure the tortures of hell!
Zakovec.—Do not turn your back upon the situation now. Stay by it; give what comfort you can to these surviving cripples. They will yet be grateful if you will but show the right spirit.
Scheidler.—Oh, if I could only realize the half of what I have planned and wish to do for them!
Kralenec (Delirious, raises his head, with fixed, staring eyes).—Listen—listen—the trumpets!
Dr. Houska.—Silence!
(Tonicka runs to the bed, kneels beside her husband, clutching the pillow with one hand.)
(Dr. Houska from the other side, walks swiftly to the bed.)
(Bruj stops dictating.)
Kralenec (raises himself, clutching at the feather-bed cover, and sits erect).—Forward! . . . Forward, brothers . . . this is our solemn day . . . I am at the head . . . I must lead them . . . something big and splendid . . . Forward, forward . . . Now we are not miners . . . warriors . . . we are warriors . . . against the powers that crush us . . . against arrogance and pride . . . for our language . . . for our country! Forward!—(Falls back heavily into his pillows.)
Tonicka (Screams).—Almighty God!
Bruj (To the district commissioner).—Delirium.
Kralenec.—You must not be afraid—nothing—not anything—what if they are stronger—we will win out—we must be victorious . . . their report now—fire—fire! . . . (Half turning his head.) Brothers! Here, break out there! the attack . . . the sign for the attack! Give battle . . . fight . . . (breathing heavily) . . so . . . so . . Glory! Glory! (Suddenly falls back dead.)