Page:Poet Lore, volume 31, 1920.djvu/26

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Bilent.—I have an idea that neither he nor Kinský came here to catch magpies, or attend the festivites at Třebon.

Rozmberk.—I can about guess the purpose for which each one has come. But to the present time, at least, neither of them has spoken of his affair to me, and I only know that of the two I prefer—

Bilent (Ending the sentence with a laugh).—Polyxena!

Rozmberk (Laughing).—Polyxena! On my faith, that is true!

(Attendant Oldřich enters.)

Oldřich.—The Highest Game Warden requests a short interview with Your Grace.

(Bilent suddenly starts.)

Rozmberk.—What an idea! I send my excuses for the present. I am occupied. I will see him later! (Oldřich is about to leave.)

Bilent (Quickly).—Accept him, my dear master! Then at least you will know what his object is in coming here.

Rozmberk.—It is all the same to me. Let him come. Sir, wait for us here.


(Kinský enters.)

Rozmberk.—But no. You had better go.

(Bilent looks unpleasantly surprised as he leaves. At the door he looks again at Kinský and makes a motion as though something had just occurred to him. Then passes out.)

Scene XI

Kinský and Rozmberk

Kinsky—Excuse me, sir, for using this vacant period of your time for a most important matter.

Roxmberk (Jestingly).—It will not be a trivial matter if I welcome it.

Kinský.—I am accustomed to acting briefly and right to the point.

Rozmberk (Jokingly).—Your preface is a trifle broad.

Kinský.—I am ready to take the matter up. (Seating himself) I have come from King Matthias.

Rozmberk (Wonderingly).—From King Matthias, you say? How long is it since we have lost King Rudolf?

Kinský.—The king and emperor, Rudolf, is still King of Bo-