Tyny (Turning around quickly).—How you frightened me! (With a smile.) You! With your pussy paws!
Frony.—What are you reading?
(Tyny hands her the book and looks at her intently, with a smile.)
Frony (Reads in a low voice).—"Václav and Terezka." Bohemian? And do you understand it? Is it nice?
Tyny.—Beautiful, simply beautiful! I've already shed tears over it. Máli Roller would not laugh at me as she did yesterday when she saw me with a Bohemian book, if she read this.
Frony.—Well, you know this is hochböhmisch[1]. I myself—but in the Lesekränzchen[2] they have fine reading! There I read how a youth and a maid, deeply in love, schwuren ewige Liebe[3], and how she gave him a goldenen Ring.[4] [Suddenly.] You got this book—?
Tyny.—From Mrs. Rettig, the magistrate's wife.
Frony.— O, I thought it was from a certain student you know!
Tyny (Gaily).—No, I shall lend him the book, though.
Frony.—Ah! And right here, of course. I'd better be going.
Tyny.—There's no such hurry; I want you to be sure of that. Come and sit down by me. [Makes room for her.]
Frony.—For just a moment then. (Seats herself.) You see I'm on my way to the castle, to mass. Shall you stay here for the morning promenade? They say that there is some talk about Mrs. Rettig. Tell me, Tyny, tell me truly, how are those lessons at her place?
Tyny.—O, I always look forward to them, I only wish that there were more of them every week. Auntie—
Frony (With a smile).—Auntie!—
Tyny.—That is, the magistrate's wife. She reads Bohemian with us, explains everything beautifully. And she teaches us woman's work too.
Frony (Suddenly).—And Tyny dear, (confidentially, eagerly) sometimes students come there—
Tyny (Quickly).—No, never; that's a slander!
Frony.—But they go to Mrs. Rettig's house for Bohemian books.
Tyny (Emphatically).—But when we aren't there.