Page:Poet Lore, volume 31, 1920.djvu/540

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Scene V

Mrs. Retrig, Gulich, Mrs. Roubínek, Mrs. Roller.

Mrs. Rettig (Approaching Mrs. Roubínek).—Ah, Mrs. Roubínek! I just now met your beloved husband; he asked me whether I had not seen you; he is looking for you. (To them all.) You have missed a fine declamation.

Mrs. Roller.—You see we shouldn't have understood it, anyway.

Mrs. Rettig.—O, indeed you would! Everybody understood it; old and young, artisans and people of the neighborhood, all applauded, well pleased.

Gülich.—But there was one who surely didn’t hear it and didn't understand it—the coming bridegroom, Dr. Plavec. (Mrs. Roller laughs.)

Mrs. Roubínek.—You are serving as chaperone for his sweet-heart.

Mrs. Roller.—And yesterday what an opinion you had of this marriage.

Mrs. Rettig.—I am now more confirmed in it than ever.

Gülich.—And the doctor?

Mrs. Rettig.—He unfortunately sticks to his purpose.

Mrs. Roller (Aside to Mrs. Roubínek).—She hasn't said a word to him.

Mrs. Roubínek (Aside).—Not a word. (They glance at each other meaningly.)

Scene VI

The same; Vacek, Tyny.

Vacek and Tyny come in at the rear.

Mrs. Rettig.—Ah, here is the student who spoke the piece!

Vacek (Elated by his success).—Were you satisfied, madam?

Mrs. Rettig.—I applauded heartily, like all the rest.

Gülich (To Vacek).—Today it was für das Volk, mein junger Herr.[1] When you make your speech before the academy during Lent, we shall do the applauding then.

Vacek.—Pardon me, doctor. There is to be a change at the academic festival. Mrs. Rettig has suggested—

  1. For the common people, young gentlemen.