Page:Poet Lore, volume 34, 1923.djvu/14

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Poet Lore
Poet Lore
SPRING, 1923
Raduz and Mahulena, A Slovak Tale in Four Acts Julius Zeyer 1
Sunset Down Mount Vernon Street Frances Avery Faunce 62
Marie DeGournay Anna Adele Chenot 63
Elaine, A Poetic Drama Mildred Weinberger 72
The Pot of Gold Joseph T. Shipley 111
Mr. Enright Entertains, A Possibility in One Act Avery Abbott 127
Rimas, Numero IX Gustavo Becquer 138
Translated by Marion Lee Reynolds
The King Who Scoffed, A Fantastic Tragedy in One Scene
Oscar Williams and Jack Brady 139
The Truth About Liars, A Play in One Act Helene Mullins 145
Sonnet A Helene Pierre De Ronsard 151
Translated from the French by Edward H. Pfeiffer
In Viis Robert P. Tristram Coffin 152
Rimas, Numero LXIV Gustavo Becquer 153
Translated by Marion Lee Reynolds
Poems Gustavo Becquer 154
Translated by Nesta M. Thompson
Prayer of Altunis Gustavo Becquer 156
Translated by P. L. Sarkans, Jr.
He Who Visions Rainer Maria Rilke 157
Translated by Jessie Lamont
The Cossack Prisoner Mikhail Lermontoff 158
Translated by George G. Lake


POET LORE is published quarterly in the months of March (Spring Number), June (Summer Number), September (Autumn Number), and December (Winter Number).
Annual subscription $6.00.Single copies $1.50.