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Page:Poet Lore, volume 36, 1925.pdf/12

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At the Jolly Spot , A Comedy in Three Acts - Alexander Ostrovsky 1

Translated from the Russian by Jane Paxton Campbell and George Rapall Noyes

John Muir, Prophet-Naturalist - L. E. Pearson 45

A Comedy of Death, A Drama in One Act - G. Edward Harris 63

Interlude Janet Preston 75

The Poets' War - Joseph T. Shipley

Spiced Wine, A Little Play of Old Peru - Willis K. Jones 84

But On The Other Hand - Carl Glick 96

Chanson Du Coeur Brise - Virginia Scott 100

Beloved, It Is Morn, A Fantasy in One Act - Adelaide C. Rowell 101

A Contemporary Renaissance? - Florence Mary Bennett 126

The Forfeit, A Play in One Act - Corrie Crandall Howell 101

The Legend of Morris Gest - Arthur William Row 142

The Snail Antoine-Vincent Arnault 146

Translated by William A. Drake

Maze, A Play in One Act - Arthur Corning White 147

Penalty - Margaret King Moore 153

The Vase of Ching-Li - Cyriel Odhner 144

Adapted from the Chinese

Furrows Virginia Stait 157

Heloise to Abelard - Clyde Robertson 158


POET LORE is published quarterly in the months of March (Spring Number), June (Summer Number), September (Autumn Number), and December (Winter Number).

Annual subscription $6.00. Single copies $1.50.