O! Infinite, Omniscient God !
Lord of the day, Lord of the night!
Thou holdest darkness in Thy palms ;
And through Thy hands obedient hght
Comes forth ; and heaven and earth evolve,
And wax and wane in measured zone
Around a Center fathomless,
Thyself its force upon Thy throne !
' All things, minute, mighty, entire,"
At Thy command, spring into life !
Before Thy breath the oak tree bends,
And waters in tumultuous strife,
Lift up themselves and heave on high,
From wrestless deeps, resistless might,
And measure wrath with elements
Upon the left, upon the right !
Thy laws disgorge volcanic floods ;
Thy fiats loose the hurricane ;
Then, at Thy bidding, fire, and air.
And raging waters sleep again ;
And fragrant zephyrs, through Thy lands.
Rock forth and back the mignonette ;
And in the soft blue of Thy heavens
Millions of shining drops are set !