Page:Poetry, a magazine of verse, Volume 2 (April-September 1913).djvu/20

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POETRY: A Magazine of Verse

She would like some one to speak to her,
And is almost afraid that I
will commit that indiscretion.


How have I labored?
How have I not labored
To bring her soul to birth,
To give these elements a name and a centre!

She is beautiful as the sunlight, and as fluid.
She has no name, and no place.
How have I laboured to bring her soul into separation;
To give her a name and her being!

Surely you are bound and entwined,
You are mingled with the elements unborn;
I have loved a stream and a shadow.

I beseech you enter your life.
I beseech you learn to say "I"
When I question you:
For you are no part, but a whole;
No portion, but a being.

For the Marriage in Cana of Galilee

Dark eyed,
o woman of my dreams,
