Page:Poetry, a magazine of verse, Volume 3 (October 1913-March 1914).djvu/7

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VOL III No.1 of Verse



WE RIDE but slowly though so near our home.”
King Eochard[1] said, and he that bore his shield
Sighing replied: What need have we for haste
Towards the hour for speaking of the dead
My married sister put into my care
A boy of twenty years — a mound and stone
Between the wood of Duras and Magai
Have been the measure uf that cart.”
But Eochaid, having tin thought hut for his queen Edain,
Outrode his troop that after twelve months’ war
Toiled with empounded citric through rh mire,
And came into a wood as the sun set Westward of lara.
Where in the middle wood
A clump of beech trees made an etripry space
He thought to have given his horse the spur, but saw,

  1. Eochard prenounced Yohee.