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Points of Friction

cumbersome. It has long been the chosen medium of that most prolific of spirit writers, Patience Worth; and a sympathetic disciple once ventured to ask her if there were no less laborious method by which she could compose her stories. To which Patience, who then used a language called by her editor "archaic," and who preferred to "dock the smaller parts-o'-speech," replied formidably,—

"The hand o' her do I to put be the hand o' her, and 't is ascribe that setteth the one awither by eyes-fulls she taketh in."

The disciple's mind being thus set at rest, he inquired how Patience discovered this avenue of approach, and was told,—

"I did to seek at crannies for to put; ay, an't wer the her o' her who tireth past the her o' her, and slippeth to a naught o' putting; and 't wer the me o' me at seek, aye, and find. Aye, and 't wer so."