Page:Points of friction.djvu/62

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Points of Friction

cheerful picture of active young spirits "carrying on" the business of war, relieving the wounded, soothing the dying, working up wireless communications ("The German operators cannot see us when we are around"), and occasionally playing the part of the gods before the walls of Troy.

"I told you that we were not given any power over bullets, that we can comfort, but not save from what you call death. That is not quite the case, I find. Jack Wells directed me to stand by a junior lieutenant to-day, and impel him this way and that to avoid danger. I discovered that my perceptions are much more sensitive than they were before I came out. I can estimate the speed, and determine the course, of shells. I stood by this fellow, nudged him here and there, and kept him from being hurt. I asked Wells if that was an answer to prayer. Wells said, 'No, the young chap is an inventor, and has a