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the senatorial decree proposed by Pompey, Crassus was made governor of Syria; everyone knew a Parthi-

    xiv. 105 and 119; Justin xlii. 4; Livy Epit. cvi; Moses Chor. ii. 17; Nic. Dam. Hist. cxv in Athen. Deip. vi. 252 d (J, II A, p. 378, fr. 79); Obsequens 64 (124); Orosius vi. 13; Petronius Satyricon 120; Plut. Crassus 16–33, Cicero 36, Caesar 28; Polyaenus Strat. vii. 41; Ruf. Fest. 17; Seneca Epist. iv. 7; Servius Comm. in Verg. Aen. vii. 606; Strabo xvi. 1. 23; Vell. Pat. ii. 46. 2; Zonaras v. 7; Zosimus iii. 32. Secondary sources: J. Foy-Vaillant, Arsacidarum imperium (Paris, 1725), pp. 108–23; L. du Four de Longuerue, Annales Arsacidarum (Argentorati, 1732), pp. 23 f. (not available); G. E. J. Guilhem de Sainte-Crox, "Mémoire sur le gouvernement des Parthes," Acad. des inscr. et belles-lettres, Mém. de litt. L (1808), 48–78; Carl Ritter, Die Erdkunde von Asien, VII 1 (Berlin, 1843), pp. 1117–25; E. W. Fischer, Römische Zeittafeln (Altona, 1846), pp. 250 and 253; F. R. Chesney, The Expedition for the Survey of the Rivers Euphrates and Tigris (London, 1850), II, 407–12; J. Saint-Martin, Fragments d'une histoire des Arsacides (Paris, 1850), II, 110–16; Charles Merivale, History of the Romans under the Empire, I (4th ed.; New York, 1896), 407–30; F. von Spiegel, Erânische Alterthumskunde (Leipzig, 1871–78), III, 110 f.; J. H. Schneiderwirth, Die Parther oder das neupersische Reich unter den Arsaciden nach griechisch-römischen Quellen (Heiligenstadt, 1874), pp. 51–67; T. Mommsen, Römische Geschichte, VI (Leipzig, 1886), 429–40; Gius. Stocchi, La prima guerra dei Romani nella Mesopotamia (Firenze, 1887; not available); L. von Ranke, Weltegschichte, II 2 (5th ed.; Leipzig, 1898), pp. 252–56; A. von Gutschmid, Geschichte Irans (Tübingen, 1888), pp. 87–92; F. Justi in Geiger and Kuhn, Grundriss der iranischen Philologie (Strassburg, 1895–1904), II, 498 f.; P. Manfrin, La cavalleria dei Parthi (Roma, 1893), pp. 37–99; A. Steinmann, De Parthis ab Horatio memoratis (Berlin, 1898), pp. 6–8; W. Drumann, Geschichte Roms, IV (2nd ed.; Leipzig, 1908), 105–22; B. Niese, Grundrisse der römischen Geschichte nebst Quellenkunde (4th ed.; München, 1910), p. 236; K. Regling, De belli Parthici Crassiani fontibus (Berlin, 1899), reviewed by van Höck, Wochenschrift für klassische Philologie, 1899, cols. 1147 f., and L. Holzapfel, Berl. philol. Wochenschr., 1901, cols. 850–55; Regling, "Zur historischen Geographie des mesopotamischen Parallelogramms," Klio, I (1902), 443–76, and "Crassus' Partherkrieg," Klio, VII (1907), 357–94; P. Groebe, "Der Schlachttag von Karrhae," Hermes, XLII (1907), 315–22; H. Delbrück, "Antike Kavallerie," Klio, X (1910), 335–40; Francis Smith, "Die Schlacht bei Carrhä," Historische Zeitschrift, CXV (1916),