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definitely among Octavian's plans.[1] The campaign was to be directed at Parthia, and at least a part of the troops would follow the route used by Antony. Even dreams of Bactria and India are mentioned; and ambassadors or agents, one of whom is called "Lycotas," apparently penetrated more than once to those regions.[2] Lycotas' lady love must learn where the Araxes flows and how many miles a Parthian charger can go without water, and she must consult a painted map (the world map of Agrippa?) to discover where the Dahae live.[3]

If a parchment written in Greek and found with two others at Avroman in Kurdistan is dated in the

  1. Propertius iii. 1. 16; 4. 1–19; 5. 48; 9. 25 and 53 f.; 12. 1–15. The ante quem date for these plans would seem to be the recognition of Octavian as a god, Propertius iii. 4. 1–19, and the post quem date the recovery of the standards in 20 b.c. Since his patron was C. Maecenas, friend and military adviser to Octavian, Propertius would be in a position to secure information. There are indications of such plans as early as 30 b.c. in Tibullus iii. 7 and Horace Od. i. 2. 21 f. and 51 (on the dating of this ode see J. Elmore, "Horace and Octavian [Car. i. 2]," Class. Philol., XXVI [1931], 258–63); 11. 2; 12. 53 ff.; 19. II f.; 21. 15. On Iccius' preparing chains for the Mede see ibid. i. 29. 4 f.; on new levies, i. 35. 30–32. See also ibid. ii. 9. 18 ff.; 13. 17 f.; 16. 6; iii. 2. 3; 3. 44; 5. 4; 29. 27; Vergil Aeneid vii. 605 f.
  2. Propertius iv. 3.
  3. Magie, "Mission of Agrippa," Class. Philol., Ill (1908), 145 ff., suggests that while Agrippa was at Mytilene in 23 b.c. his officers may have been negotiating for the return of the standards. Horace Od. i. 12. 53, and perhaps also i. 19. 12, should be placed about this time. The date of Od. i. 21. 15 is uncertain; see A. Steinmann, De Parthis ab Horatio memoratis (Berlin, 1898), p. 22.