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against the Parthians. In 76 M. Ulpius Trajan, father of the future emperor, received triumphal insignia for some diplomatic victory over the Parthians.[1] The work of Valerius Flaccus, a part of which must have been composed about this time, clearly mirrors Roman interest in the Alani and in the Caucasus region.[2]

  1. W. H. Waddington, Fastes des provinces asiatiques (Paris, 1872), No. 100; Pliny Panegyricus 14. That no serious fighting took place is shown by Tac. Hist. i. 2; Victor Epit. 9. 12 and De Caes. 9. 10.
  2. Valerius Flaccus iii. 493 f.; v. 558–60 and 600 f.; vi. 65 f., 106 f., 114–35, 203 f., 507 f., 690–92.

    To about this same time may belong the Pahlavi document Avroman III. It is dated 321 (a.e.?), i.e., a.d. 74, or, if it is dated in the Seleucid era, a.d. 10. See A. Cowley, "The Pahlavi Document from Avroman," JRAS, 1919, pp. 147–54; A. H. Sayce, "Two Notes on Hellenic Asia. I. The Aramaic Parchment from Avroman," JHS, XXXIX (1919), 202–4; J. M. Unvala, "On the Three Parchments from Avroman in Kurdistan," Bull. School of Or. Studies, I 4 (1920), 125–44; H. S. Nyberg, "The Pahlavi Documents from Avroman," Le monde oriental, XVII (1923), 182–230.