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which show an intimate knowledge of eastern affairs.[1] Martial also has numerous historical references to the East,[2] and in the poems of Juvenal there is clear evidence of a shift in attitude toward the oriental provincial after the accession of Hadrian.[3] "By's mark your horse you'll own, by's tiara a Parthian's known," said some writer of Anacreontics about this time.[4]

In the centuries which followed, the references to the East became more and more stereotyped. Tertullian,[5] Philostratus the son of Nervianus,[6] M. Minucius Felix(?),[7] Oppian,[8] all of whom probably lived within the Parthian period, carry on the tradition. Still later writers continue in the same strain[9] or occasionally quote from works now lost.[10] Even

  1. Silvae i. 2. 122 f.; 3. 105; 4. 77–81 and 103 f.; ii. 2. 121 f.; 4. 34 f.; 6. 18 f. and 86 f.; 7. 93 ff.; iii. 2. 91; 3. 33 f., 92 ff., 212; 4. 62 f.; iv. 1. 40–43; 38 and 49; 3. 137 and 153 ff.; 4. 30 f.; 5. 30–32; v. 1. 60 f.; 2. 140 f.; 3. 185–90; Thebaid i. 686 and 717–20; ii. 91; iv. 387 ff. and 678; v. 203 f; vi. 59, 209, 597 f.; vii. 69, 181, 524 f., 566, 687; viii. 237 ff., 286 ff., 572; ix. 15 f.; x. 288 f.; xii. 170 and 788.
  2. De spect. i and xviii; Epig. ii. 43. 9; 53. 9 f.; v. 58. 4; vi. 85; vii. 30; viii. 26; 28. 17 f.; 77. 3; ix. 35. 3; 75. 2 f.; x. 72. 5 ff.; 76. 2 f.; xii. 8; xiv. 150.
  3. See p. 240. Other references by Juvenal to the East are Sat. ii. 163 ff.; vi. 337, 466, 548 ff.; viii. 167–70; xv. 163.
  4. Anacreontia (ed. J. M. Edmonds in "Loeb Classical Library") 27.
  5. Apologeticus xxxvii. 4.
  6. Imagines i. 28 f.; ii. 5, 28, 31.
  7. Octavius vii. 4; xviii. 3; xxv. 12.
  8. Cynegetica i. 171 f., 196 f., 276–79, 302, 371; ii. 98 f., 100, 135 ff.; iii. 21 ff., 259, 501; iv. 112 ff., 164 f., 354 f. Halieutica ii. 483 and 679; iv. 204.
  9. Achilles Tatius iii. 7. 5; Callistratus 4.
  10. Ausonius xii (Technopaegnion). 10. 24; Epistulae xxiii. 6 (from a lost work of Suetonius); xxv. 1; xxvii. 53; liii.