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alert, and issuing commands so that the troops might advance in good order.[1]

Armenia was made into a province[2] and a procuratorial governor appointed. Three of the early officials are known: L. Catilius Severus,[3] C. Atilius Claudius,[4] and T. Haterius Nepos.[5] In distant Crete a coin was struck with the legend ΑΡΜΕΝΙΑ.[6] Trajan was particularly proud of the title "Optimus" which he added to his formal titulary about this time.[7]

From Armenia Trajan turned south toward Mardin and Nisibis, perhaps then a part of Adiabene.[8] A

  1. Arrian Parthica fr. 41; Dio Cass. lxviii. 23.
  2. Eutrop. Brev. viii. 3. 2. A coin bearing the legend ΚΟΙΝΟΝ ΑΡΜΕΝΙΑϹ ΕΤΟΥϹ ΜΓ was struck by Trajan at about this time; see B. Pick, "Une monnaie du κοινὸν Ἀρμενίας," Revue des études anciennes, XVI (1914), 283–89.
  3. Consul in 115 according to Rev. archéol., 4. sér., XVIII (1911), 486 No. 95, from Bolletino dell'Associazione archeologica romana, I (1911), 137 f.; in Armenia in 116 according to Dio Cass. lxviii (lxxv. 9. 6). CIG, II, No. 3509; PW, art. "Catilius," No. 4; Longden, "Parthian Campaigns of Trajan," JRS, XXI (1931), 10; cf. Paribeni, Optimus princeps, II, 293.
  4. CIL, X, No. 8291 = Dessau 1041. Rohden in PW, art. "Atilius," No. 40, says he is not identical with the Cuspius Rufinus mentioned by Paribeni, loc. cit., as the first governor; cf. also Longden, loc. cit.
  5. CIL, XI, No. 5212 = Dessau 1058; CIL, XI, No. 5213 = Dessau 1338; PW, art. "Haterius," No. 8.
  6. J. Svoronos, Numismatique de la Crète ancienne p. 347, No. 81, and Pl. XXXIV 19 (not available); W. Wroth, Catalogue of the Greek Coins of Galatia, Catpadocia, and Syria (London, 1899), p. 102 and Pl. XIV 5.
  7. See Mattingly and Sydenham, Rom. Imp. Coin., II, 235, on this title. Cf. Dio Cass. lxviii. 23 and Pliny Paneg. 2.
  8. Longden, "Parthian Campaigns of Trajan," JRS, XXI (1931), 11.