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suspect further shrinkage of the frontiers. Parthia was now joined with Chorasmia, Sogdiana, and Aria to form one province, and Hyrcania was united with Media.

When Alexander invaded Asia, the Parthians fought on the Persian side at Arbela.[1] Parthia fell to Alexander at the death of Darius III, and its satrap Phrataphernes surrendered himself in Hyrcania.[2] Amminaspes, a Parthian who had been in Egypt, was made satrap; and Tlepolemus, one of the Compan­ions, was selected to represent Alexander's military interests.[3] Under Alexander, Parthia was reunited with Hyrcania, but the other districts mentioned by Herodotus as joined with it were then definitely sepa­rate satrapies.[4] Bessus in his attempt to seize the power after the death of Darius III also appointed a Parthian satrap, Barzanes by name,[5] who probably never enjoyed opportunity for action.

By the Treaty of Triparadisus in 321 b.c. a certain Philippus was transferred from Bactria to Parthia.[6]

  1. Arrian Anabasis iii. 11; Curtius Rufus iv. 12. 11.
  2. Arrian Anabasis iii. 23; cf. also Plut. Alexander 45.
  3. Arrian Anabasis iii. 22. The name of the satrap is given as Andragoras by Justin xii. 4. 12. See G. F. Hill, Catalogue of the Greek Coins of Arabia, Mesopotamia, and Persia (London, 1922), pp. cxlviii–clx, for a discussion of the attribution of the coins bearing the name Andragoras.
  4. Arrian Anabasis iii and iv.
  5. Ibid. iv. 7.
  6. Arrian Res successorum Alexandri fr. 9. 35 (J, II B, p. 846); Dexippus Res successorum Alexandri fr. 8. 6 (J, II A, p. 462) calls him satrap of Sogdiana.