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of the Two Rivers for Hyrcania enabled the Elamites to raid the city of Apamea on the Ṣilḫu River.[1]

Mithradates had no sooner gone than Demetrius returned to the attack. Doubtless he was justifiably encouraged by appeals for help from recently conquered peoples,[2] particularly from the Greek elements. As Demetrius advanced, large numbers flocked to his standards; we hear of contingents from Bactria, Elymais, and Persis. He won several victories,[3] but eventually, by either strategy or force, was taken by the Parthians and as a pointed example paraded through the streets of those cities which had aided him. Demetrius was then sent to Hyrcania to Mithradates. There he was treated as became his rank[4] and was given Rhodogune, daughter of Mithradates, in marriage.[5]

His enemy safely disposed of, Mithradates turned to punish those who had furnished aid to the Seleucid ruler. Not only had the Elymaeans thus provoked an attack, but the wealth of their temples would replenish a treasury depleted by warfare. The loot from

  1. See p. 24, n. 103, also PW, arts. "Apamea," No. 3, "Σελας," No. 2 and "Dialas," and H. H. Schaeder, "Ḥasan al-Baṣrī," Der Islam, XIV (1925), 15 ff.
  2. Justin xxxvi. 1. 2–4.
  3. Justin xxxvi. 1. 4. This is the second campaign of Plut. Reg. imp. apophtheg. 184. 1 (Loeb, III, p. 86) and Orosius v. 4. 17. Cf. Kolbe, Beiträge pp. 38–40.
  4. Maccabees 14:1–3; Justin xxxvi. 1. 5–6 and xxxviii. 9. 2–3.
  5. Appian Syr. 67.