Page:Pontoppidan - Emanuel, or Children of the Soil (1896).djvu/27

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will soon, unfortunately, be no more than a Saga. And whose is the blame? Who are those that for years have systematically undermined the authority of the church, and broken down the traditional respect of the people for their duly constituted ministers of religion. Are they the so-called Freethinkers, the open and audacious Atheists? It may be said that it is so, but don't believe it! No, it is within the church's own doors that the corruption has been nourished. It is those movements pregnant with disaster, which, under the name of 'democratic liberty,' and 'equality,' have risen from the dregs of the people, and which now have found their way even into the sacred precincts of the church—not only by means of hot-headed youths here and there, but—unfortunately—latterly even through some of the most trusted men in the church. I need not explain myself further, no doubt you know to what I refer. Who and what are these so-called followers of Grundtvig,—with their 'Friendly Meetings,' and their High schools, which have latterly received state support? And this 'Colporteur' nuisance, these preaching shoemakers and tailors—ignorant persons, who—mark you—are sent out by the priests themselves into the land, and empowered to bear witness in the name of the Holy Church? I cannot understand the blindness of certain of our colleagues, who do not see how destructive is such a proceeding to the dignity and authority which we (there is no