Page:Poor Cecco - 1925.djvu/113

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Jensina’s Party

it was whispered before the evening was over that the eldest High-Hanger would have proposed marriage to her, had he not been already engaged to a distant cousin on the Woodpecker branch of the family.

Bulka was also having a delightful time, He had made friends with the young Chipmunks, and they were enjoying a dance of their own at the farther end of the kitchen. Not knowing the steps, they held hands in a ring while each capered as he chose in time to the music. Presently, Bulka, losing his shyness, grew excited. He pushed his companions aside, and having cleared a space all to himself on the floor, began to turn somersaults and stand on his head.

Poor Cecco attended to every one, showed new steps to his partners, and in the intervals carried sandwiches and blackberry cider to the old ladies in the corner, entreating them to get up and dance with him.

“His manners are perfect,” murmured Mrs. Chipmunk, “and he is so distinguished. He arrived with his party last night by automobile. They are making a tour of the world. The young lady they say is of gypsy extraction and most talented; she told my fortune in the coffee-cup and it was quite surprising! I am to become famous and inherit a large fortune!”

“Perhaps then she won’t need to steal other people’s nuts in the Fall,” whispered the field mouse to her neighbour.