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Page:Popular Astronomy - Airy - 1881.djvu/47

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observe a star in any position whatever on the meridian, inasmuch as we have got the reading of the circle when the telescope is directed to that star, and as we know the reading of the circle which corresponds to the horizontal position of the telescope—then by taking the difference between these readings, we know in degrees and minutes the inclination of the telescope, or the degrees and minutes by which the star is elevated above the horizon. The method of observation which I have described is going on at an Observatory every day. It is necessary, however, to remark that (as has been already said) every star appears too high, in consequence of refraction; a correction must therefore be subtracted from the elevation thus found, in order to discover at what elevation it would have been seen, if there had been no atmosphere about us.

Now, suppose that we observe the Polar Star. This star, though very near the Pole, describes a small circle round the Pole, and therefore goes as much above the Pole at one time when it is highest, as it does below the Pole at another time when it is lowest. Therefore, by taking the angular elevation above the horizon, in degrees, minutes, and seconds, of the Polar star when at the highest point above the Pole, and applying the proper correction for refraction; and taking its angular elevation in degrees, minutes, and seconds, when at the lowest point below the Pole, and applying the proper correction to this for refraction; and taking the mean between the two elevations so corrected; we get the true angular elevation of the celestial Pole. In that manner we have got the accurate calculation of the angular elevation of that Pole in the north, round which the heavens appear to turn.