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Greatest Values Most Fun fetures- COMPARE

American Flyer Trains

Write today for the colored catalog and see the big new steam and electric type trains that outpull all others — New trains as low as $5.50. Fun making automatic sig- nals. Stations, Bridges, Tunnels, etc.

Get the catalog and compare — American Flyers cost less, yet lead in fun making features, speed, size, realism and number of pieces included. You want the best, only an American Flyer will do. DADS, too, make, railroading a hobby

American Flyer Mfs. Co., I 2236S.Halsted St.,Chicago.

Send Free Train Book,


American Flyer Trains

The New Marvel Marvel of Photography

The Amazing Leica Camera

Chosen by famous explorers and scientists for their own use — Dornier of the DO-X, Sir Hubert Wilkins. Dr. Eckener of the Graf Zeppelin, Commander Gatti. L. M. Gould, 2nd in Com- mand of the Byrd Antarctic Expedition says:

"It can do more things and do them well than any other camera I know of. " Snapshots, action pictures, wide-angle views, telephoto pictures, portraits, photomicrographs, and all other types of pictures can be taken with this one wonderful instrument and its interchangeable lenses. It would take a dozen other cameras to do the work of one Leica. Yet the Leica is so small it fits the vest pocket! It gives you 36 pictures in a single roll of film. Each negative is only 1½" x ⅞" yet enlargements 12 times the size are perfect, because the Leica is the most accurately constructed camera ever made and carries the most highly corrected lenses ever put on a camera. The Leica is quick and simple to operate and very inexpensive to use. It will amaze you as it has everyone who has seen it. Your dealer will be glad to show you the Leica Camera.

Write for Free Descriptive Booklet

"A Pictorial Story of the Leica Camera' E. LEITZ, Inc. Dept. 12-P.S. 60 East 10th St. N.Y.

HOW TO BUILD A PRIZE WINNING MODEL (Continued from page 86)

correct, another five points were scored.

Some of the templates measured not one but several items, both dimensions and angles. For example, a single template showed at a glance whether the distance from the floor to the bottom edge of the door was correct, from floor to belt line, from floor to door handle center, and from floor to bottom of window opening. Each of these four items scored two points.

WHEN it came to wood craft, there were seven divisions relating to wheels, body, pole, tonneau block, rear axle and footman's board, front axle and front gear, and general woodwork. In the case of the body, for example, the judges had to answer these questions: Is the front and rear of the body above the belt line slightly rounded? Are there seven neatly made molding plates on each door? Are the body moldings neatly made, do they stand out dear and sharp, and are the joints well made? Are the body molding spirals evenly spaced with the correct right and left twist? A perfect score for all this gave a model eleven points.

Similarly, the metal work was studied under seven different headings. In just one of these divisions — that relating to clips and brackets — eighteen separate items had to be checked. The upholstery, painting and finish- ing, and the metal castings used throughout were examined with equal care.

Three judges, aided by the set of tem- plates, were able to score a model in half an hour, but in choosing the four best coaches to decide the national award winners, it was found necessary to recheck a number of the best models ten times. In one case a guild official quietly slipped the master model into the group, but it was spotted by the judges almost at once, although not many points separated it from the best of the boys' models.

Forewarned as to how a really fine model is judged, every model maker should see the necessity of keeping each part exactly to scale as he proceeds — no matter what model he is building. He can be his own judge as he goes along and mentally rate himself on every part he makes and every operation he performs. By taking these precautions he can hardly fail to turn out a noteworthy model, or if he doesn't, he will at least know the reason why and be able to do better the next time.

ONE trait all the winners of the coach competition displayed to an extra- ordinary degree was ingenuity. Whenevcr they ran into difficulties or could not obtain the materials or tools they needed, they found a way out by using their wits. One boy did his work on an ordinary card table on the front porch; another worked on a flat-top desk in his bedroom. One contestant cut down a tree for wood and kiln-dried it in the oven of the kitchen stove. A boy who was stumped when it came to soldering deli- cate parts made himself a soldering outfit by embedding one of his mother's thimbles in a wooden block and using it as an alcohol lamp.

Raymond S. Doerr, 19, of Battle Creek, Mich., who earned one of the four na- tional awards — each a university scholarship — told the guild officials he spent 2,160 hours on his model. He had previously gained invaluable experience, he said, by working on a model of the Diamond Tally-Ho, which was the first of the Popular Science Monthly series of coach models (shown in our Blueprints Nos. 115, 116, and 117 in the list on page 110). To build his Napoleonic coach he made a number of punches and special tools, and all these he skillfully tempered in (Continued on page 121)




NOW packed in handy tubes— In- stant, safe heat anywhere, at any time, at home, camp, in the shop. Send for free booklet show- ing many uses of Sterno in Tubes. Large tube costs 1O¢. Use coupon.


9 East 37th Street, New York City [ ] Send me your free booklet.

[] I enclose 10¢ for full-sized tube. Name Address

For Economy Buy an— EIFEL FLASH PILIE PENCH KIT The Pocket Machine Shop' ,

The Kit

No3. for all WIRE, chain, spring-making, fence work etc.

No2. for all PIPE work, "chewed" nuts in tight places, etc.

No1. Universal for All Pliers, Nut Wrench Vise & Clamp Work,

—And the things No other tools Can do!

DON'T WORRY . . If you have to make the "old bus" do for another year or two . . or if you have to buy a Used car . . or if service charges have been "eating you up." Just get a "Pocket Machine Shop" at your Hardware Dealer's . . at the new LOW Price of One tool Then you'll be amazed at how much Quicker, Getter and Easier you can do Every Kind of Mechanical work 'round the Home. Car and Shop . . how much you save . . and how much real tun you get out of It!

A Most Valued Christmas Gift!

If your Dealer can't supply you. send us HIS name and Yours, and we'll send you FREE . .the amazing

125-Picture story of the KIT and this E-F ANGLE Screwdriver that does the work of Straight, Offset, and Large and Small Screwdrivers!


LPS-480? N. Ashland A v.. Chicago. III.


MODEL SHIPS We cua supply construction sets and all sorts of parts such as semi- finished hulls, blocks, deadeyes, special flags, anchors, steering wheels , capsttans , figure heads, blue prints, books, etc.. for building real fine scale models of the Destroyer Preston, Baltimore Clipper, Flying Cloud, Constitution, Spanish Galleon, Mississippi River Steamboat, Sovereign of the Seas, Bluenose, Mayflower and many others. Also special construction sets for racing sial boats, power boats, model steam engines, pro pellors. etc . and fine tools for the model maker. Our large S8-page photographically illustrated booklet contains valuable information and hints for building sihp models in addition to prices and full description of the above articles. Many people only slightly interrsted in models have become greatly enthused upon receiving his booklet. A copy will be sent postpaid upon receipt of 15cts. (coin preferred).

Model Ship Supply Co.. Dept. P, Mlneola. N. Y.


You ran now solder Aluminum, sheet or cast, as easily as tin. Solder Brass. Copper, etc. to Alumi- num. Introductory offer $3.00 size sent post paid for $1.50. Money Back Guarantee. Manufacturers and repairmen demand it! Stale Distrs. Wanted, Pays Big Profits. Write Dept. A-11.


3534 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, Calif.

ALUMINUM BOX SHIELD Genuine "ALCOA" stock. silverdip finish 5x9x6 high . . $1.89. 5x5x5 shield . . $1.00 (picture on left

Phonograph Needle Test prods.

Always sharp pointed using Phonograph nee- dles to puncture insulation, corro- sion, etc. $I. 50 for B.P 13O and 137.

BLAN, The Radio Man, Inc. Dept. P-12 B9 Cortlandt St. New York City

120 (Symbol missingsymbol characters) This seal on an advertisement signIFIES the appROval of POPUlaR SCIENCE INSTTTUTE OF Standards... See paGE 8 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY