Learn to MOUNT limals Learn atHomeby Mail Be a taxiiicrmist. Lcnm to mount llIRDS, ANI- MALS. GAME UKADS. FISH. Wonderful faocin- ating new art. All stcreta revealed. Laaily. quu-kly tearni-d by men, women nnd b^iy*- D^'corntf home and den with nature's finest art. SPOliTSMKN save your trophicfl. lilG PKOKITS for aparo time. Sell your mounted specimens and mount for others. Have a business of your own. Biff demand, hi^h prices. Learn from old reliable Bchool, 20 years' experience. Beantiful illustrated book. 'How to Learn to Mount Game,*' with dozens of pho- tos of mounted spccimenB. FREE — If you state-your AGE— Write Now. Taxi- dermy ia a NECKSSTTY for eportBmen and nature lovers— INVESTIGATE. Get this wonderful FKEK BOOK NOW— no oblinationB. Send Coupon Tudayl ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I NorthwMtem School of Taxid«riny „ 3399 Clwood 8ld|. Omaha, N«b. . 'Send me rour free llluttrat«<l boc>k"How * to Mount Game. 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Write today for free sample and libera! offer to general agents. METALLIC LETTER CO., 433A N. CUrk Str«(. Chicago CARTWHvooftWAv '^swctss! ORICINATEI _ ' DON'T COPY - LEARN TO ORICINATEI BAYE BURNS will tench you HOW lo CRKATK, ORIGINAL CARTOO.NS at home lhal you can; SELL! ryirs(-- has 26 lcs«on!i anj 600 ■llu^(ratio^« Sen'l 7^T.',c nv'l <r^/f/rrv' for in r ,1. 'n;/^ Only Yti ■ ItAYE BUBMS SCHOOL. 83«L»k«vl«wRd., D-5. CI«v«Und. Ohio SALARY RANGE |S|££ $1260— $3000 LIST Those wantinir p*nnanfnt (Jovernmpnt noHitionR an Ily. Mail Clorkii, Citr or Rural Carrit^rs*. Post Offlfi? or Grn^rnl Cli-rk , Ciintoms or Immi- (rrant Inapeftor. M«-at Inspector, Stt'noKra- h«T. or in any othfr hranoh of the nm^ce, nntr at once In Instruction Bureau. 224« St. list i>f tH>!>itlonH, walarigo, tiow to qualify. U>cation, etc. n'S EASY TO MAKE BIG SPARE TIME MONEY Send for our free plan on how to make S5.00 to $15.00 a week In your spare lime by taking; orders for Popixar Science Monthly from your friends. Xo scUinK required. Turn c-slra hours into extra dollars. POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY 381 Fourth Ave. New York. N. Y. GENIUS OR IDIOT? (Continued from page 42) body changes. When a lack of this hormone occurs, the individual grows little during childhood and usually stops growing alto- gether at an early age. As a rule, this kind of dwarfism is accompanied by obesity. Many of the short, chubby people you meet are mild cases of pituitary deficiency. Mr. Mok : How about giants? Dr. Ri'CKES : A giant is the exact opposite of this second kind of dwarf. Gigantism is the result of an over-abundance of this fluid from the front part of the pituitary, which makes an individual grow out of all propor- tion to normal without, however, changing the body form. One of the best-known, authentic cases of gigantism is that of Charles Byrne, the "Irish giant," whose skeleton is on exhibition in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons, in London. According to Sir Arthur Keith, the famous British scientist, it measures " feet, 8.4 inches in height, but in life Byrne is supposed to have stood 8 feet, 2 inches. He was born in 1761 and died only twenty-two years later. Giants usually have excessive bone formation. Mr. Mok : Why is that ? Dr. Ruckes: Because the pituitary also regulates, to some extent, the formation of the bones. Of all animals, turtles have the most bone in proportion to the rest of the body. They also have the most active pitui- tary gland. The fact that over-activity of the pituitary is responsible for giants has been proved time and again in the laboratory. Giant rats have been produced by daily injections of pituitary fluid. One rat attained exactly twice its normal size — in other W'ords, if it had been a man, it would have been nearly twelve feet tall. Mr. Mok : What is wrong with the fat lady of the circus? DR. RUCKES: She is a case of excessive obesity caused by lack of pituitary fluid but unaccompanied by dwarfism. Mr. Mok : What are the functions of some of the other endocrine glands? Dr. Ruckes: One of the most interesting of the glands and one which, in the last eight years, has received world-wide publicity, is the pancreas, the producer of insulin. This is a peculiar and complex gland because it has ducts and also acts as a ductless gland. Its duct-bearing part produces digestive juices that are in no way related to endocrincs. Its ductless portions are the insulin producing parts. Insulin literally means "from the islands." This refers to the small, islandlike areas in the pancreas that secrete this sub- stance. Insulin in its pure form was extracted by Dr. F. G. Banting and Dr. J. J. R. Mac- Leod, both of the University of Toronto. They discovered it could be used successfully in the treatment of diabetes, though it is not a cure for the disease. In 1923, Banting and MacLeod received the Nobel Prize for these achievements. Mr. Mok : Isn't insulin from sheep used in the treatment of diabetes? DR. RUCKES : It is, and I am glad you asked that question because it reminds me of an important feature of the endocrine glands. It is this: They are virtually inter- changeable in all backboned animals, from fish to man; that is to say, they secrete the same chemicals no matter in what animal they are found. Only backboned creatures have ductless glands. Incidentally, the fact that they are interchangeable i? considered by evolutionists as another piece of evidence for the relationship, and hence, common descent, of the animals, including man. First, it was discovered that thyroid extract from a sheep would cause growth changes in a frog. Then it was found that the thyroid fluid from a dogfish, (Continued on pane 132) SION TALKING PICTU! Dissatisfied with your present job? Not making enough money? Then let me show you how to prepare for a real job at a real pay, in RADIO— one of the fastest growing, biggest money-making trades on earth. JOBS LEADING TO BIG FAY Scores of jobs are open to the Trained Man — jobs as Designer, Inspector and Teeter — as Ra- dio Salesman and in Service and Inatallatiun work — as Operator, Mechanic or Manager of a Broadcasting Station — as Wireless Operator on a Ship or Airplane — jobs with Talking Picture Theatres and Manufacturers of Sound Equip- ment — with Television Laboratories and Sta* dioa — fascinating jobs, offering unlimited op- portunities to the Trained Man. TEN wms of Practical Shop Training Come to Coyne in Chicago and prepare for these joba the QUICK and PKAC;TICAL way — BY ACTUAL SHOP WORK ON ACTUAL RA- DIO EQUIPMENT. Some students finish the entire course in 8 weeks. The average time is only 10 weeks. But you can stay as lonsr as you please, at no extra cost to you. No previous experience necessary. Get the facts I Broadcasting'Television Sonnd Equipment In addition to the moBtmodem Radio eqiiipment. we have installed in our shops a complete model Broadcastini? Station, with Sound Proof Studio and modern Transmitter with 1.000 Watt Tubes —the JenkinsTelevision Transmitter, with doz- ensof home- type Television recei vinfrseta— and acomplete Talking Picture installation for both "sound on film" and "sound on disk." We have spared no expense in our effort to make your training as COMPLETE and PRACTICAL as possible. Mail coupon for full details! COYNE IS 32 YEARS OLD Coyne has been training men since 1899. Get all thefacts— FREE ! Find out about our Free Em. ployment Service and how some students earn while learninR. It coeta nothing: to investigate. JUST MAIL THE COUPON FOU A FREE COPY OF OUR BIG RADIO. TELEVISION AND TALKING PICTURE BOOK. H. C. LEWIS, President Radio Div., Coyne Electrical School 500 S. Paulina St., Dept. 91-4H ChicaKO, Illinois Send me your Big Free Radio >nd Television Book. This does not obligate me In any way. Name. Address, City .State. DECEMBER. 1931 131 Co|., i .y ,L .. r.aterial
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