my of Natural Sciences, of Philadelphia, Mr. Dana has contributed various important memoirs.
Soon after the resignation by Prof. Silliman of the chair of Chemistry and Geology in Yale College, Mr. Dana entered, in 1835, on the duties of the office of Silliman Professor of Natural History and Geology in that institution, to which place he had been elected in 1850; his brother-in-law, Prof. Benjamin Silliman, Jr., having been appointed to the chair of Chemistry. Prof. Dana is now engaged in discharging the duties of his professorship, and in editing the American Journal of Science.
In 1854 he was elected president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, having been for many years one of the Standing Committee of that body; and in August, 1855, he delivered the annual address before that Association at its meeting in Providence.
Besides the works already referred to, Prof. Dana is the author of the following publications: "Manual of Mineralogy," 432 pp., 12mo. New Haven, 1851. 2d ed., 1857. "Manual of Geology," 1862. Rev. ed., 1869. 800 pp. "On Coral Reefs and Islands." 8 vol, 144 pp. New York, 1853.
Mr. Dana's more important papers, in the American Journal of Science and Arts, are:
First Series, vol. xxx., 275, "On the Formation of Twin Crystals." xxxiv., 225, "Anatomy of the Caligus Americanus." xlv., 131, 310, "Areas of Subsidence in the Pacific indicated by the Distribution of Coral Reefs and Islands." xlix., 49, "Origin of the Constituent and Adventitious Minerals of Trap-rocks."
Second Series, ii., 335, "On the Volcanoes of the Moon." iii., 94, 176, 381; iv., 88, "On the Geological Effects of the Earth's Contraction and Origin of Continents." iv., 364; v., 100, "On Cohesive Attraction." ix., 220, 407, "On Isomorphism and Atomic Volume in some Minerals." xvi., 153, 314, "Isothermal Chart of the Ocean." xvii., 35, 210, 430, "Homœomorphism among Minerals." xviii., 85, 131, "Homœomorphism of Minerals of the Trimetric System." xviii., 314; xix., 6; xx., 168, 349, "Geographical Distribution of Crustacea." xxii., 305, 335, "Plan of Development in American Geological History." xxv., "On Cephalization." Continued in vols, xxxv., xxxvi., xxxvii., and xli. xliv., 89, 252,398, "Connection between Crystalline Form and Chemical Constitution."
Third Series, i., 1; ii., 233, 305, 324, "On Glacial Phenomena in New England, and the Source of the New England Glacier."
In 1856-57 Prof. Dana published, in the Bibliotheca Sacra, a series of four articles, entitled "Science and the Bible," called forth by a work of Prof. Tayler Lewis, on the "Six Days of Creation."
Prof. Dana's last work, "Corals and Coral Islands," 398 pages, with 279 cuts, is just published (1872).