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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 10.djvu/122

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The Theory of Color in its Relation to Art and Art-Industry. By W. von Bezold. Pp. 300. With Colored Plates. Boston: L. Prang & Co. Price, $5.

Fifty Years of my Life. By George Thomas, Earl of Albemarle. Pp. 430. New York: H. Holt & Co. Price, $2.50.

Ivanhoe. Pp. 287. Our Mutual Friend. Pp. 350. (Condensed Classics Series.) Same publisher. Price, $1.

Elementary Biology. By Prof. Huxley and H. X. Martin. Pp. 280. New York: Macmillan. Price, $2.

A Song of America. By V. Voldo. Pp. 206. New York: Hanscom & Co.

California Notes. By C. B. Turrill. Pp. 242. San Francisco: Bosqui & Co. print. Price, $1.50.

Theory and Calculation of Continuous Bridges. By M. Merriman. Pp. 130. New York: Van Nostrand. Price, 50 cents.

Goethe's ausgewählte Prosa. Edited by J. M. Hart. Pp. 200. New York: Putnams. Price, $1.

Die aromatischen Nitroverbindungen. Von Peter Townsend Austen. Pp. 43. Also, Ueber Dinitroparadibrombenzole underen Derivate. Pp. 3. Same author.

Proceedings of the American Chemical Society. Vol. I., No. 1. Pp. 81. New York: J. F. Trow print.

Papers on Building Associations. Pp. 29. Philadelphia: Social Science Association.

Democracy: The First Century of the National Life. By Josiah Riley. Pp. 55. San Francisco: Carmany & Co. print.

Continuous Girders and Draw-Spans. By A. J. Du Bois, C. E. Pp. 32. Philadelphia: Kildare print.

Determination of Secondary Meridians by Electric Telegraph. Pp. 29. Washington: Hydrographic-Office.

Development and the Deity. By H. Faulks Pp. 41. Yokohama: F. R. Wetmore & Co.

Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club. September. Cambridge (Mass.): published by the Club.

Report of the Director of the Central Park Menagerie. Pp. 57. New York: The National Printing Co.

The Greenstones of New Hampshire. By G. W. Hawes. Pp. 9. From American Journal of Science and Arts.

Conflict between Darwinism and Spiritualism. By J. M. Peebles. Pp. 34. Boston: Colby & Rich.

Researches in Telephony. By A. Graham Bell. Pp. 10. From "Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences."

Seventh Catalogue of New Double Stars. By S. W. Burnham. Pp. 4. From American Journal of Science and Arts.

Prehistoric Remains found at Cincinnati. By Robert Clarke. Pp. 34. Cincinnati, 1876.

Nature of Diphtheritic Poison. By B. Robinson, M. D. Pp. 15. New York: W. Wood & Co.

Book of the Balance of Wisdom: An Essay. By H. C. Bolton, Ph. D. Pp. 30. New York: J. F. Trow print.

Proceedings of the Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences. Vol. 1. Pp. 293. With numerous Plates.


Supplement to the Glacial Theory.—At the Buffalo meeting of the American Association Prof. W. C. Kerr, State Geologist of North Carolina, read a paper accounting for the presence and characteristics of the drift or unstratified superficial deposits of North Carolina, which cannot be attributed to glacial action or the action of water, and which has hitherto presented a somewhat puzzling problem to geologists. He considers it to be the result of land-slides, or, as he terms them, earth-glaciers, formed from the detritus of the stratified rocks of the foot-hills mixed with water—the mass throughout its whole depth, of from fifteen