movement of the ventricle. The phases of electrical variation are thus seen to be similar to those of the work done by the muscle.
College Exploring Expeditions.—We learn from the Tribune that the present Senior Class of Princeton College has organized a scientific exploring expedition to the West. An association has been formed to train men in scientific studies, and fit them as far as possible for the work to be done. The plan of the association's work is as follows: A knowledge of geology, as good as can be obtained, is required of each man. Then the work is mapped out into subdivisions of natural history and paleontology, and from these each one selects a specialty for himself. The meetings are held fortnightly. At these, the association generally receives an address from some scientific member of the faculty. After this, scientific papers are read by the members, in alphabetical order, four each evening. A question chosen at the previous meeting is then discussed. The faculty have given a room, have arranged the studies to help the association as much as possible, and given facilities for special and outside work. The association is forming a working collection of fossils and minerals, not intended to be complete, but typical. In the mean time the executive committee are taking steps to secure government aid in the shape of wagons, mules, etc., and to get the most favorable possible terms from the railroad companies. If, as is hoped, the committee is successful in obtaining free passes, the expenses will probably not exceed $100 per man. It is not yet fully determined what portion of the West will be explored—probably, however, the Green River, in Wyoming Territory, and Yellowstone National Park, or else the Wahsatch Mountains, will be selected. The membership is limited to thirty regular and ten alternate members. Vacancies occurring in the regular membership are filled from the alternates, who attend all meetings, and perform regular duties.
Eucalyptus as an Anti-Periodic.—Two instances are cited by Dr. Curnow, of London, of the cure of intermittent fever by the use of tincture of Eucalyptus globulus. We give in full the author's account of one of these cases, as sufficiently illustrating the action of the drug: S.Sa. m., reached their acme between 1.30 and 3 p. m., and passed off about 6 p. m. The highest temperatures varied from 104.8° to 105.6°. On June 9th the tincture of the Eucalyptus globulus was given in one-drachm doses three times daily. The next day, on which another attack was due, his temperature rose to 100°, and on the 12th to 100.4°; and after this date no further paroxysm occurred during the remainder of his stay in the hospital.
, aged eighteen, a Norwegian, was admitted to King's College Hospital, May 23, 1876. He had been suffering from intermittent fever for four or five weeks. The attacks were moderately severe and of a well-marked tertian type. An expectant plan of treatment was pursued until June 9th, and during this period the paroxysms recurred on alternate, days with the utmost regularity. They began at 10Improvements in Iron-Manufacture.—Dr. Andrews, in his inaugural address at the Glasgow meeting of the British Association, referred to the many improvements recently introduced in iron-manufacture. But there yet remains, he said, ample work to be done. The fuel consumed in the manufacture of iron, as indeed in every furnace in which coal is used, is greatly in excess of what theory indicates, and the clouds of smoke which darken the atmosphere of English manufacturing towns, and even of whole districts of country, are a clear indication of the waste, but only of a small portion of the waste, arising from imperfect combustion. The depressing effect of this atmosphere upon the working-population can scarcely be overrated. At some future day the efforts of science to isolate, by a cheap and available process, the oxygen of the air for industrial purposes, may be rewarded with success. The effect of such a discovery would be to reduce the consumption of fuel to a fraction of its present amount; and, though the carbonic acid would remain, the smoke and carbonic oxide would disappear. In the mean time, Dr. Andrews suggests that in many localities the waste products of the furnace might