curring. The mortality is low, and becoming less so, owing to improved arrangements and more commodious quarters. The Report contains the usual details of expense and management, and a long list of accessions, which might be of use to visitors in lieu of a guide to the menagerie.
The Textile Colourist: A Monthly Journal of Bleaching, Printing, Dyeing, and Finishing Textile Fabrics, and the Manufacture and Application of Colouring Matters. Edited by Charles O'Neill; F.C.S. Price, $12 per annum.
"The Textile Colourist" was designed by its present editor to bring before the dyers and printers of the different countries such matter as will be of a permanently interesting character to all in the trade. There are embodied in it the results of the most recent investigations and discoveries, arranged in such a manner as to make it a valuable work of reference.
Tolhausen's Technological Dictionary, French, German, and English. 3 vols., 900 pages each. New York: H. Holt & Co. Price, $3.50 per vol.
The Electric Bath. By George M. Schweig, M.D. Pp. 134. New York: Putnam's Sons. Price, $1.
Improvements of the Fox and Wisconsin Rivers. By G. K. Warren, Brevet Major-General. Pp. 114, with Plates.
Qualitative Chemical Analysis. By Douglas and Prescott. Pp. 254. New York: Van Nostrand. Price, $3.50.
Geological Survey of the Territories. Vol. X. F. V. Hayden, Geologist in Charge. Pp. 607, with plates. Washington: Government Printing-Office.
Department of Agriculture. Report of 1875. Pp. 536, with plates. Washington: Government Printing-Office.
Calendar of the Tokio Imperial University (1876). Pp. 165.
Preventing the Extension of Syphilis. By J. R. Black, M.D. Newark, Ohio. Pp. 7.
Memorial of Increase A. Lapham. By C. Mann. Pp. 21.
Topographical Surveys and the Public Health. By J. T. Gardner. Pp. 10. Albany: Argus print.
Needs of the South educationally. By A. Hogg, M. A. Pp. 24. Salem, Ohio: W. D. Henkle print.
Quarterly Journal of Inebriety. Vol. I., No. 1. Pp. 64. Hartford: Case, Lockwood & Brainard.
History of Spontaneous Generation. By E. S. Dunster, M.D. Pp. 30. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Courier print.
Reason and Progress. By J. T. Stewart, M.D. Pp. 18. Peoria, Illinois: Transcript print.
Treatment of Eczema. By R. W. Taylor, M.D. Pp. 37. New York: Putnam's Sons.
Hydroadipsia. Pp. 9. Also, The Fever Process in Human Bodies. Pp. 7. By Z. C. McElroy, M.D. Zanesville, Ohio.
Disinfection in Yellow Fever. By C. B. White, M.D. Pp. 16. New Orleans: J. W. Madden print.
Rocky Mountain Locust. Pp. 58. St. Louis: R. P. Studley Company print.
Specialism in Medicine. By E. D. Foree, M.D. Pp. 10. Indianapolis: Journal print.
Talking by Telegraph.—On Sunday, November 26th, Prof. A. Graham Bell experimented with the "telephone" on the wires of the Eastern Railroad Company between Boston and Salem. Prof. Bell was assisted at the Boston end of the line by two operators, and Mr. Thomas A. Watson by one operator at the Salem end. According to the account published in the Commonwealth of Boston, conversation was carried on with Mr. Watson at Salem, by all those present, in turn, without any difficulty, even the voices of the speakers being easily recognized. Whispering was found to be perfectly audible, but was unintelligible. After a time, instead of grounding the wire at Salem, it was connected with North Conway, a distance of one hundred and forty-three miles from Boston, thus leaving Salem as a way-station. After this change had been