micro-mineralogy, micro-chemistry, biology, histology, and pathological histology. The work is clearly written, and its matter presented systematically and in very judicious proportions. It contains a great number of beautifully-colored plates, which will prove helpful to the student. In an introductory chapter on the history and importance of microscopy. Dr. Wythe points out the many ways in which this art has proved useful to man in recent times. The following suggestion, however, we had not met with before, and we trust it will incite religious people to buy microscopes and learn to use them: "Even theology has its contribution from microscopy. The teleological view of Nature, which traces design, receives from it a multitude of illustrations. In this department the war between skeptical Philosophy and Theology has waged most fiercely; and if the difference between living and non-living matter may be demonstrated by the microscope, as argued by Dr. Beale and others, Theology sends forth a paean of victory from the battlements of this science."
Michigan Board of Health. Fourth Annual Report (1876). Pp. 250. Lansing: W. S. George & Co. print.
In addition to the journal of the proceedings of the board, and sundry details of administration, we have here a great deal of matter of general interest: such as statistics of diseases, remarks on illuminating oils, studies of typhoid fever, etc. Among the more voluminous essays, we may mention papers on means of escaping from public buildings in case of fire, vaccination, scarlet fever, criminal abortion, water and water-supply, ventilation of railroad-cars, etc.
Report of the Commissioners of Education for the Year 1875. Pp. 1,189. Washington: Government Printing-Office.
In the personal report of Commissioner Eaton, which occupies the first 170 pages of this volume, is found an instructive retrospect of the history of popular education in this country, together with a general review of the present status of primary and superior instruction, both in the United States and in other countries; then follow voluminous abstracts of the reports of school officers throughout the States and Territories of the Union; and, finally, we have 22 tables of school statistics, giving information with regard to such matters as normal schools, higher schools for women, colleges, scientific schools, public libraries, museums of art and natural history, institutions for the blind, deaf and dumb, and idiots, educational benefactions, etc. The value of the information here conveyed is no doubt very considerable, and it is much enhanced by the addition of a good index.
How to Camp Out. By John M. Gould. New York: Scribner, Armstrong & Co. Price, $1.
This is the best work of the kind ever published. Mr. Gould is the author of a "Regimental History of the War," which received the highest commendation from the New York Nation and Evening Post. He has camped in every way, and, being a man of the keenest observation and possessed with the orderly faculty of noting down everything, has given in this book advice and suggestion of the greatest value to those who go on camping or tramping expeditions. Sound information is given regarding food, clothing, boots and shoes, knapsacks, tents, and huts of various kinds, with valuable hygienic advice from Dr. Elliott Coues's writings. A pleasant vein of humor runs through its pages; and to those who never stir out of the city, the book will be found entertaining as well as camp-provoking.
The following notice of this important work is from the review in the London Examiner: "The appearance of Mr. Spencer's first volume on 'The Principles of Sociology' will be a matter of rejoicing to that large and growing number of readers whose minds have been deeply impressed and roused to new reflection by the writer's masterly exposition of the philosophy of evolution. This feeling of joy will only be tempered by the regret which Mr. Spencer's readers will certainly experience on learning, from a notice appended to the volume, that disturbed health has obliged him to desist when about to write certain conclud-