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halibuts, turbots, soles, flounders (Fig. 26), etc., whose two sides are totally unlike—a peculiarity which is not only not found in any other
Fig, 26.—Flounder (Platessa vulgaris, Cuvier).
group of fishes, but not in any other group of vertebrate animals. These strange fishes have the body flat, both eyes on the same side
Fig. 27.—Gar-Fish (Belone truncata, LeSueur).
of the head, and the sides of the mouth unequal. They are without a swimming-bladder, live at the bottom of the sea, and are of all sizes,
Fig. 28.—Flying-fish {Exocœtus),
from those not more than six or eight inches in length to those that attain a weight of six hundred pounds.