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which would be of most interest to the lay reader; but this would, perhaps, be too much to expect of the scientific worker attempting to cover so much ground.

The Metallurgical Review. Vol. I., No. 1, September. Published monthly by David Williams, 83 Reade Street, New York. Price, $5 per year. Single copy, 50 cents.

The projectors of this periodical are of the opinion that the metallurgical industries have become sufficiently important to have a current literature of their own, and intend that this Review shall be a vehicle for discussions on purely scientific topics, which are too abstruse for newspapers, and are given to the public but slowly through the medium of books.

This first number gives promise that the publication will have an immediate and permanent value. It contains, among others, essays on the "Mechanical Treatment of Metals," by Prof. R. H. Thurston; "Studies of Elemental Iron, and its Modifications," by Prof. Henry Wurtz; "New Iron District of Ohio," by E. C. Pechin; and a miscellany of short articles of metallurgical interest. It is finely printed in large, clear type, on excellent paper, with ample margins, presenting a most creditable appearance.


Publishers' Trade List Annual (1877). New York: Publishers' Weekly print. Price, $1.50.

Free-Thinking and Plain Speaking. By Leslie Stephen. New York: Putnam's Sons. Pp. 362. Price, $2.50.

Volumetric Analysis. By Dr. Emil Fleischer. London and New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 294. Price, $2.50.

Method of Least Squares. By M. Merriman. Same publishers. Pp. 207. Price, $2.50.

Egypt as it is. By J. C. McCoan. New York: Holt & Co. Pp. 226. With Map. Price, $3.75.

Engineering Construction. By J. E. Shields, C.E. New York: Van Nostrand. Pp. 138. Price, $1.50.

Guide to Ridge Hill Farms. Boston: Getchell Brothers print. Pp. 156.

The Complete Preacher. Also, The Metropolitan Pulpit. Monthly. New York: Religious Newspaper Agency. $2 per year.

Spiritual Sciences; Revelation of God; Christmas and New-Year's Day; Good Friday: Biblical Theology; Ascension-Day and Whitsuntide. All by "Kuklos." London: Published by John Harris, Kilburn Square.

Fur-bearing Animals. By Elliott Cones Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 318. With Plates.

Weather Reports for May, 1874. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 190.

The Hidatsa Indians. By W. Matthews. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 246.

Geological and Geographical Survey of Colorado and Adjacent Territory (1875). By F. V. Hayden. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 834. With Maps and Plates.

Contributions to North American Ethnology. By W. H. Dall and George Gibbs (Powell's Survey of the Territories). Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 361. With Plates.

The Geyser Basins of the Yellowstone Park. By I. B. Comstock. From the "Proceedings of the American Association." Pp. 8.

Results of Hypertrophied Tonsils. By A. W. Calhoun, M.D. Atlanta: Dickson print. Pp. 12.

Canadian Reciprocity. Pp. 16. Also, The Hard Times. Pp. 12. Philadelphia: American Iron and Steel Association.

Proceedings of the American Public Health Association. New York: Hurd & Houghton. Pp. 249. Price, $4.

Positivist Prayer. By J. Lonchampt. Goshen, N. Y.: Independent Republican print. Pp. 32.

Civilization and the Duration of Life. By C. T. Lewis. Cambridge: The Riverside Press. Pp. 11.

Anthropoidea. Pp. 8. Sketch of Cuvier. Pp. 8. Hunterian Oration. Pp. 7. By Dr. A. J. Howe, of Cincinnati.

Bulletin of the Survey of the Territories (Hayden's). Vol. III., No. 4. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 120.

Bulletin of the United States National Museum, Nos. 7, 8, and 9. Washington: Government Printing-Office.

Report of New York Meteorological Observatory (1876). New York: Brown print. Pp. 105. With Charts.

Organic Acids in Examination of Minerals. By H. C. Bolton. New York: Gregory Bros, print. Pp. 36. With Plate.

Fifteen-Cent Dinners. By Juliet Corson. New York: Published for gratuitous distribution. Pp. 39.

The Kindergarten Messenger. Vol. I., Nos. 9 and 10. Price, $1 per year.

Both's Method for treating Tubercular Consumption. New York: Cherouny & Kienle print. Pp. 20.


"A New Type of Steam-Engine."—Prof. R. II. Thurston read a paper at the Nashville meeting of the American Association on "A New Type of Steam-Engine," a report of which we find in the American Manufacturer. The author first gave a history of the steam-engine from Hero's time; then he discussed the modern type of steam-engine, pointing out its shortcomings; finally he proposed a new type, designed to prevent loss of heat-energy. There are, he observed, only two possible methods of utilizing the full heat-energy: the first is by enormous expansion, cooling the steam till it is all condensed into water and till all the heat is even taken out of that water,