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hills are familiar to all visitors among the mountains of Pennsylvania. These hills are cones of more or less regularity, commonly of ten or twelve feet in circumference at the base, and from two and a half to three feet in height, though in some instances they have dimensions twice or thrice as great. The author has studied the principles of architecture which guide this ant in the construction of its mounds; also its system of engineering, whereby it overcomes natural obstacles in the construction of its works. Further, he has observed in these ants a curious mode of feeding—a troop of foragers going out, and coming back with abdomens swollen with honeydew, which they give up to the workers on their return to the mound. The whole memoir gives evidence of very patient and conscientious research.

Mechanics of Ventilation. By G. W. Rafter, C. E. New York: Van Nostrand. Pp. 96. Price, 50 cents.

Mr. Rafter lays no claim to originality of ideas in this little treatise, his object being rather to reduce to systematic form the existing fund of knowledge with respect to the important problem of warming and ventilation. His essay is in every way worthy of the attention of civil engineers and architects.

Engineering Construction. By J. E. Shields, C. E. New York: Van Nostrand. Pp. 138. Price, $1.50.

The four general heads under which the author of this work distributes his subject matter are: "Foundations," "Masonry," "Tunnels," and "Engineering Geodesy." His aim is to expound the true principles of construction, as ascertained by the highest authorities in that branch of science; but no theory, he assures us, is here set forth which has not received confirmation from practical test.

Foundations. By Jules Gaudard. Translated from the French by Vernon Harcourt. New York: D. Van Nostrand. Pp. 104. Price, 50 cents.

This is another valuable monograph of Van Nostrand's "Science Series." It is a study in the art of civil engineering, and gives a compendious account of the construction of foundation-works for bridges, piers, viaducts, and all buildings where the weight of the superstructure is so great that the question of foundations is fundamental.


The Epoch of the Mammoth. By J. C. Southall. Philadelphia: Lippincott. Pp. 445. $2.50.

Chemical Experimentation. By S. P. Sadtler. Louisville: Morton. Pp. 225.

Browne's Phonographic Monthly. Vol. II. New York: D. L. Scott-Browne. $2 per year.

The House Sparrow. By T. G. Gentry. Philadelphia: Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger. Pp. 129. $2.

Putnam's Library Companion. Vol. I. New York: Putnams. Pp. 90. 50 cents.

The Kirografik Teacher. By J. B. Smith. Amherst, Mass.: J. B. & E. G. Smith. Pp. 99.

Mineralogy. By J. H. Collins. New York: Putnams. Pp. 206. $1.50.

Matter and Motion. By J. C. Maxwell. New York: Van Nostrand. Pp. 224. 50 cents.

Planetary Meteorology. By R. Mansill. New York: American News Company. Pp. 60. 50 cents.

Report of the Director of the Central Park Menagerie (1877). Pp. 50.

The Metric System of Weights and Measures. By P. Prazer, Jr. Reprint from the Polytechnic Review. Pp. 24.

Adamites and Preadamites. By A. Winchell. Syracuse, N. Y.: Roberts. Pp. 52. 15 cents.

Foul Air and Consumption. By Dr. R. B. Davy. Cincinnati: Reprint from the Lancet and Observer. Pp. 13.

Life Insurance, and how to find out what a Company owes You. By G. W. Smith. New York: Van Nostrand. Pp. 28. 25 cents.

The Forces of Nature (illustrated). By A. Guillemin. Parts 2, 3, 4, 5. New York: Macmillan. 40 cents each.

Intercultural Tillage. By Dr. E. L. Sturtevant. From the Report of the Connecticut State Board of Agriculture. Pp. 42.

Report of the Cincinnati Zoölogical Society (1877). Cincinnati Times print. Pp. 40.

Meteorological Method. Pp. 15.—Causes of the Huron Disaster. Pp. 4. By William Blasius. Philadelphia: The Author.

Our Public School System. By C. W. Bardeen. Pp. 32.

Ventilation. By Dr. W. C. Van Bibber. Annapolis Md.: Colton print. Pp. 36.

Economic Tree-Planting. By B. G. Northrop. From Report of Connecticut Board of Agriculture. Pp. 29.

European and American Climatic Resorts. By Dr. G. E. Walton. Pp. 12.

Report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station (1877). New Haven: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor print. Pp. 104.

The New Rocky Mountain Tourist (illustrated). By J. G. Pangborn. Chicago: Knight & Leonard. Pp. 64.

Primitive Property. By E. de Laveleye. New York: Macmillan. Pp. 356. $4.50.

Star-Gazing Past and Present. By J. N. Lockyer (with Plates). Same publisher. Pp. 496. $7.50.

Proceedings of the American Chemical Society. Vol. I., No. 5. New York: Baker & Godwin print. Pp. 104.