deserving the attention of archæologists." A prominent clergyman wrote, "This is not a thing contrived of man, but is the face of one who lived like all the earth; the very image and child of God;" thus confirming the impression Hull received from his discussion with the Rev. Mr. Turk.
Suddenly a series of reverses overtook the giant. Prof. O. C. Marsh, of Yale College, gave it a telling blow by stating that gypsum is soluble in 400 parts of water, yet the surface of the giant was smooth and little dissolved, though surrounded by wet earth, proving that the burial must have been of very recent date. He also found other indications of fraud, which had escaped the notice of the State geologist, and other scientists; as recent tool-marks, in places where they could not be easily effaced, and adjoining water-worn surfaces. This was corroborated by Palmer, the sculptor. Soon letters were received from parties who had observed the four-horse team and load on its way to Cardiff; then one from Fort Dodge, detailing the operations in that neighborhood; and, finally, the statement of Markham, one of the stone-cutters, was obtained. Hon. Lewis Baldwin, a gentleman well versed in archaeology, remarked that the giant could neither be a finished statue nor petrifaction, as it had no hair, though complete in other respects. At last the climax was reached, which connected the person who obtained the stone from the neighborhood of Fort Dodge with the giant, by Newell drawing the money received from the Onondaga County Bank in a draft payable to Hull's order.
Yet, for a time, all this discussion only helped to advertise the exhibition, which had been removed to Syracuse, where it was visited by such throngs of people as to require special trains on all the railroads. Says Mr. McKinney, in speaking of the pecuniary returns, "The giant yielded an income equal to the interest of $3,000,000 at seven per cent., and large bids were offered for its purchase, as high as $25,000 being offered for one-eighth interest."
But the blows given soon began to tell. Barnum, having in vain attempted to purchase a share, and obtain the management of the exhibition, bargained with a Syracuse sculptor for an unfinished imitation, which, when completed, was placed in Wood's Museum, New York, and extensively advertised and puffed by means of a pamphlet description of the original. He denounced the Syracuse exhibition as a humbug, claiming himself to be possessor of the "only true and original Cardiff giant." An application was made to Judge Barnard, of Erie Railroad fame, for an injunction against Barnum; but that functionary replied that he had been in the "injunction business," but had "closed out."
Soon the giant came to New York, only to find itself supplanted. After a few days, it was shipped to Boston, where the excitement bade fair to break out again, from the furor created by the learned men of the modern Athens. Ralph Waldo Emerson pronounced it beyond his depth, astonishing, and undoubtedly ancient. Cyrus Cobb, the ar-