brates;" and now comes its second edition. To Elliott Coues must always be given the merit of leading grandly on this line by the "Key to American Birds." Prof. Jordan has, in this new book of over 400 pages, put the amateur student in the classification of the home vertebrates under a great debt of gratitude. The manual is a very efficient analyst of animal forms. It is truly multum in parvo, but perhaps a little too condensed.
Twenty-five-Cent Dinners for Families of Six. By Juliet Corson, Office of the New York Cooking-School, 35 East Seventeenth Street, Union Square. 72 pages. Price, 15 cents.
Miss Corson has published various useful books on the subject of cookery, and, among others, a little brochure entitled "Fifteen-Cent Dinners for Working-Men's Families." This attracted a good deal of attention, and set many people to thinking about the possibilities of living cheaply and well, if they only knew how to do it. Having thus raised the question of economical diet in a practical way, Miss Corson was applied to by letters from numerous parties to show what could be done on a little more liberal scale of expense, and "Twenty-five Cent Dinners" is the result. There is a large amount of valuable, well-digested information in this pamphlet. Miss Corson not only speaks from experience, both in cooking and teaching (as she is superintendent of the New York Cooking-School), but from a special study of culinary economics, or how to get good food in sufficient allowance at the lowest cost. Her results will excite some surprise in people of careless habits in these matters, and who would be astonished to be told that good cookery would give them better diet than they are in the habit of getting, at half the cost. Miss Corson begins with some serviceable hints on marketing, and the economical selection of articles of food, and then offers various valuable suggestions on the best methods of cooking to make them go the farthest. Several chapters follow of well-selected receipts for economical dishes, and the whole is fully indexed at the close. Besides her suggestive preface, addressed "To Economical Housewives," she offers at the outset the daily bills-of-fare for one week, with the price of each dish, of each meal, of the three daily meals, and the total meals of the week. The dishes are wholesome, attractive, and by no means stinted, and their very moderate cost conveys an instructive lesson to lax and thriftless housekeepers. Miss Corson's little work is opportune in these stringent times, and its wide circulation would be productive of much public benefit.
Bulletin of the Minnesota Academy of Natural Sciences. (1877). Minneapolis: Young & Winn print. Pp. 126. Price, 50 cents.
This number of the Bulletin contains, besides the annual address of the president, a report on the "Mycological Flora of Minnesota," another on "Ornithology," a paper on "Tornadoes and Cyclones," and the Curator's "Report." The additions to the Academy's Museum were larger in 1877 than in any previous year, besides being much more valuable.
Short Studies of Great Lawyers. By J. Browne. Albany: Law Journal print. Pp. 382. $2.
The Nature of Things. By J. G. Macvicar, D.D. Edinburgh: Blackwood. Pp. 120.
How to take Care of our Eyes. By H. C. Angell, M. D. Boston: Roberts Brothers. Pp. 70. 50 cents.
Handbook of Modern Chemistry. By C. M. Tidy. Philadelphia: Lindsay & Blakiston. Pp. 795. $5.
Report of the Commissioner of Education (1876). Washington: Government Printing-office. Pp. 1152.
The Native Flowers and Ferns of the United States. Parts 3, 4, 5. Illustrated by Chromolithographs. Boston: L. Prang & Co. 50 cents each.
New Encyclopædia of Chemistry. Parts 31 to 35 inclusive. Philadelphia: Lippincott. 50 cents each.
The Dance of Death. By W. Herman. New York: American News Company. Pp. 131.
In the Wilderness. By C. D. Warner. Boston: Houghton, Osgood & Co. Pp. 176.
Dosia. By H. Greville. Boston: Estes & Lauriat. Pp. 260. $1 50.
Instructions for observing the Total Solar Eclipse of July, 1878. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 30, with Plates.
Report of the Wisconsin Dairymen's Association (1878). Madison: Atwood print. Pp. 150.
Sound and the Telephone. By C. J. Blake, M. D. Pp. 14.
True and False Experts. By E. Gissom, M. D. From American Journal of Insanity. Pp. 36.
Report of the New York Meteorological Observatory (1877). New York: Lees print. Pp. 32.
Follies of the Positive Philosophers. By T.