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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 13.djvu/777

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profoundly from the accredited expositors of physical, chemical, biological, and psychological science. He has a new philosophy of molecules and ethers, and the inner nature of things, interprets the large phenomena of the universe in his own way and includes magnetism, clairvoyance, psychic force, odic force, chromo-mentalism, chromo-therapeutics, and many other curious things, in his conception of Nature, and claims to educe their laws from "the etherio-atomic philosophy of force." The writer has bestowed a vast amount of labor upon his work, and, whatever amount of truth it will be ultimately found to contain, it will meet the wants of many, and be read with satisfaction by those interested in its peculiar topics and its author's independent treatment of them.

The Native Flowers and Ferns of the United States. By Thomas Meehan. Parts III., IV., V. Boston: Prang & Co.

The interest of this work is well sustained in its recent numbers. The colored illustrations are beautifully life-like, and the accompanying text interesting, and prepared with excellent judgment as to what a popular work requires. We cordially renew the commendation passed upon this worthy enterprise upon the appearance of its earlier numbers.

Science Lectures at South Kensington. New York: Macmillan & Co. Vol. I. Pp. 290. Price, $1.75.

This is the first installment of a valuable series of expositions upon chemical and physical subjects, on the whole popular, and all thorough and trustworthy. It contains lectures by Captain Abney on "Photography;" by Prof. Stokes on "The Absorption of Light and the Colors of Natural Bodies," and on "Fluorescence;" by Prof. Kennedy on "The Kinematics of Machinery;" by F. J. Bramwell on the "Steam Engine;" by Prof. Forbes on "Radiation;" by H. C. Sorby on "Microscopes;" by J. T. Bottomly on "Electrometers;" by S. H. Vines on the "Apparatus relating to Vegetable Physiology," and by Prof Carey Foster on "Electrical Measurements." The subjects are interesting, the authorities are good, and the lectures valuable.

How to take Care of Our Eyes. With Advice to Parents and Teachers in regard to the Management of the Eyes of Children. By Henry C. Angell, M. D. Boston: Roberts Brothers. Pp. 70. Price, 50 cents.

The neglect, exposure, and abuse of the eyes in recent times, from many causes and in many ways, have become so great an evil as to call forth many books on the care of vision and the hygiene of the eye. Dr. Angell's contribution to the subject has the merit of being very clear in style, with but a sparing use of technical terms, while it is also condensed, and furnished at a low price. It is full of useful suggestions, which, if followed, would prevent a great deal of the annoyance and suffering that arise from misuse of the eyes.

Short Studies of Great Lawyers. By Irving Brown. Published by the Albany Law Journal. Pp. 382. Price, $2.

This volume contains upward of twenty sketches of the most eminent English and American lawyers from Coke to Choate. The notices originally appeared in the Albany Law Journal, where they attracted so much attention that the author has been induced to issue them in a collected and separate form. They are not designed as biographies so much as estimates of character and career, yet they contain a good deal of personal incident and delineation, which make the sketches anything but dull reading. As lawyers are always interesting objects to contemplate, good lives of lawyers are always interesting books.

The Dance of Death. By William Herman. New York: American News Company. Pp. 131.

A vehement denunciation of the immorality of waltzing.


Elements of Sidereal Astronomy. By Jacob Ennis. Philadelphia: Collins print, 705 Jayne Street. 1878. Pp. 7.

American College Directory and Universal Catalogue. Vol. II. (1878). St. Louis: C. H. Evans & Co. Pp. 110. Sent free on receipt of 10 cents postage.

Iowa Weather Report for 1877. By Dr. Gustavus Hinrichs. Iowa City, Iowa. Pp. 70.

Proceedings at the Eleventh Annual Meeting